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High School Students at Ivey HBA

Apply to Ivey from High School

The Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) extends conditional, pre-admission status to the HBA Program to exceptional high school students.

Ivey AEO status is available to students who choose to study at Western or one of its affiliated university colleges (in a faculty of their choice) for their first two years of university.

Approximately 75% of our Ivey HBA class are formerly Ivey AEOs and the remaining students are from Western and other universities who discover an interest in business during their first two years of study.

What we look for in our Ivey AEO applicants

A competitive Ivey AEO application includes:

Strong Academics

A low 90% average in your best Grade 12 high school courses, including English.


Completion of a mathematics course for university-bound students.


Demonstrated leadership in extracurricular activities, community involvement, and work experience.

Application for Ivey AEO Status

To apply for Ivey AEO status:

  1. Apply for admission to Western through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC).
  2. Choose any academic program or module at Western for your first two years of university study. Please ensure you indicate your intention to apply for the Ivey AEO status on your OUAC application by clicking 'yes' on the radio button stating 'Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity'. The Ivey AEO is a status rather than a program choice you make and requires you to complete a separate application (see below).
  3. On Ivey’s website, you will create a Username and Password to begin or update your existing application (please do not use your high school email address). The Ivey AEO application will require both an essay component and KIRA video assessment.

Achieving Ivey AEO status is a separate decision and notification process from your admission to Western.

Questions about applying? Contact us.

Maintain Ivey AEO Status

To progress to the Ivey HBA Program in third year, Ivey AEO students need to:

  • Enroll at Western or one of the Affiliated University Colleges for Years 1 and 2 with a full course load (5.0 credits) during each regular academic year (September – April);
  • Achieve an overall two-year average of at least 80.0% in 10.0 full university credits (5.0 in each year; excluding pass/fail courses, pre-university (0001-0999) introductory courses) in any faculty, in any program. The required two-year average for AEO students registered in the Faculty of Engineering is 78.0%;
  • Pass all courses in the first two years;
  • In year 2, enroll in a module (e.g. Major, Honors Specialization, etc.) and take a minimum of 2.0 of the required courses for that module plus Business Administration 2257 ;students may not be ‘undeclared’; consult with your faculty as some modules may require more than 2.0 courses in year 2 for progression within that faculty;
  • Take all senior level courses (numbered 2000 and higher) in Year 2 including Business Administration 2257. Permission to register for a first-year course in Year 2 will be granted by the HBA Program Services Office only under special circumstances;
  • Take Business 2257 between September and April of year 2, achieving no less than 70.0%. Given the participative nature of the HBA program and its case-based learning methodology, students are strongly encouraged to demonstrate a satisfactory level of class contribution in Business Administration 2257;
  • Complete the equivalent of a Grade 12 U-level mathematics course, if not previously taken during secondary school (such as Mathematics 1229A/B);
  • Continue involvement, achievement, and leadership in extracurricular activities in Years 1 and 2;
  • Adhere to all student code of conduct regulations at their respective institutions. Violations of such codes will be considered as part of the admissions process;
  • Complete an Ivey AEO Activity Report at the end of year 1 so that Ivey can provide feedback on progression to date;
  • Complete the Ivey AEO2 Intent to Register application in Year 2 to confirm intention to join the Ivey HBA Program in Year 3.
  • Participate in an online video interview as part of your Ivey AEO2 Intent to Register application, if requested.

Please refer to the AEO Handbook for further details

Ivey AEO Student Handbook

Ivey Business Courses for First and Second Year Students

At Western, pre-Ivey business courses are offered to students in their first and second year.

Pre-Ivey Business Courses

Connect with Ivey Business School