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MBA Direct for Ivey HBA Graduates

The MBA Direct for Ivey HBA Graduates starts in July 2025. As a recent Ivey HBA graduate, expand your career options by earning an MBA degree in only eight months, without having to write the GMAT.

Questions? Talk to Rachael! Interested? Submit your resume for assessment

Applications for our July 2025 intake will open soon!

What to Expect from Ivey's MBA Direct

Eight-Month Program

Incredible value and return on investment in an eight-month program that gets you back into the workforce quickly.

International Opportunities

International learning opportunities like the elective Study Trip, academic exchange, and LEADER Project.

Career Management

Integrated Career Management and recruiting activities built into the program.

Diverse Classmates

A new and diverse group of classmates from around the globe.

MBA Direct By The Numbers



89% of those seeking employment who received at least one job offer within three months of graduation, based on a 98-per-cent reporting rate.


$126,995 Average total compensation (includes: base salary, signing bonus, and other guaranteed compensation), based on a 72-per-cent salary reporting rate.


90% of Ivey grads who accepted an offer and made at least one career transition (change in industry, function, and/or geography).

Meet our Graduates

We asked MBA Direct for HBA Graduates about their experience in the program, covering everything from how it differed from their HBA experience, classmates, and career goals. Watch the videos to learn more.



Student Testimonials

Noah Soberano Mba Direct 500X680

Noah Soberano
MBA Direct ‘22

“I came back to the MBA program partly because I wanted to meet more people and take some courses I never got to take in undergrad, but also because I wanted to pivot into consulting, and I thought the MBA would be a really good spot to do that.”

Stephanie De Vincenzo Mba Direct 500X680

Stephanie De Vincenzo
MBA Direct ‘22

“People have bigger voices than they’ve ever had because of how they can connect with one another now, and I think Ivey provides tools we can use when we need to speak against injustices in the workplace and give minority groups a voice.”

Zander Taylor Mba Direct 500X680

Zander Taylor
MBA Direct ‘22

“Ivey puts you into a lot of situations where you can try things and there’s not much to lose, so you can learn about yourself, get feedback and figure out what’s working for you or where you need to improve.”

Olivia George Parker 500X680

Olivia George-Parker
MBA Direct '21

“I see pursuing my MBA as an excellent way to upgrade my strategic thinking and decision-making skills, while also expanding my network. I consider my undergraduate studies at Ivey as one of my most formative life experiences.”

MBA Direct 2020-2022 Employment Report

View the report

MBA Direct 2020-2022 Employment Report

View the report

Learn more about MBA Direct

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Podcast Series

Learn more about the MBA Direct Program from those who have lived it themselves. Check out our MBA Direct Podcast Series to understand why fellow HBA grads returned, how the partnership with Career Management varies from your HBA days, and overall reasons you should consider Ivey for your MBA.

On-Demand Info Sessions

Tune into our on-demand information sessions to understand the eight-month program, partnership with Career Management, and admissions timelines.

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Talk to Us

If you are a recent Ivey HBA grad who wants to learn more about the MBA Direct for HBA Graduates Program, please contact Rachael Terejko, MBA Recruiting Associate.

Connect with Ivey Business School