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Alumni · Brenda Bouw

Left Turn: Sarah Sklash, HBA ’07

Mar 5, 2018


Sarah Sklash, HBA ’07, left her job as a government worker to become a motelier.


When I graduated from Ivey, I had interest in two career paths: public service/ government and hospitality. I ended up working for the Ontario government for nine years in business analysis and project management. I enjoyed the work and was proud of what I was accomplishing, but I stopped aspiring to climb the ladder. I had a lot of creative energy that I couldn’t fully exercise in my roles.

Around the same time, I was watching a lot of Dragons’ Den. It sparked something in me. Out of school, I had no inclination to be an entrepreneur, but I had a growing desire to set my own course and do things my way. I also often wondered what would have happened if I had taken the hospitality career path.

In the meantime, I had bought a cottage out in Prince Edward County. The area has a burgeoning wine region and has seen incredible growth in tourism. From personal experience, I knew there was a shortage of accommodation in the County during the summer. I got together with a friend of mine, who had also grown dissatisfied with her career, and bought a motel in the area. The only art on the wall was a sign that said “no gutting fish in the room.”

For the first year we ran it as The Sportsman Motel, which was a huge learning experience. We then remodelled it into our own brand and experience, and renamed it The June Motel. The experience embraces the retro feel and style of a motel, while adding in many touches found in a boutique hotel.

We were confident going into it that we had a good business model, but the reception has been great. We were sold out from July through September last year, and have been recognized as a top place to stay by major media outlets such as Vogue.

I’m so happy I did it. I was also thrilled by the support I received from my Ivey classmates in making the transition. We had many Ivey visitors (including an Ivey honeymoon), words of encouragement, and some potential partnerships in development.

Learn more about The June Motel at

Photo: Tara McMullen 
Art Direction: Greg Salmela, Aegis