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Panel Events

What's actually going on in Crypto/Blockchain, and why you should be paying attention

Feb 2, 2022 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


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Crypto Blockchain V2 600 X 400

The Ivey Alumni Network Toronto (IANT) is holding an online panel on what's happening in cryptocurrency & blockchain. Everyone's talking about it, but nobody seems to actually understand it. There is so much going on in the world of crypto and blockchain these days. And while the price fluctuations and scams sometimes make the headlines, there are so many incredible things happening beneath the surface. Looking to understand the real use cases of things like NFTs, the Metaverse, Cryptocurrencies, and Blockchain?

Join us virtually on Wednesday, February 2 from 6 to 7 p.m. for a panel discussion moderated by Aaron Baer (HBA/JD '13) and featuring some of Canada's leading experts in the crypto space. We'll be breaking things down in plain language and helping you understand the practical implications of some really complicated stuff.


Alisa Acosta, PhD
Director of Education
Blockchain Research Institute

Toufic Adlouni
Blockchain Lawyer
Renno & Co

Adam Reeds, HBA '08

Co-Founder and CEO


  • $5 plus HST: Ivey Alumni & Guests

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