The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing at the Ivey Business School, Western University, is holding its annual Value Investing Conference on April 8, 2025, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Embracing Benjamin Graham's Legacy
The mission of the Conference is to pay tribute to the pioneering work of Benjamin Graham by upholding the timeless principles of value investing. We are committed to empowering participants with insights into the diverse methods employed by practitioners and to nurture academic research and study in the area of value investing.
Learning and Networking Opportunities
No matter if you're an individual investor, a seasoned professional, or an executive in the investment management or financial services industries, our Conference provides a platform to explore, discuss, and deliberate on the principles, practices, and diverse applications of value investing on a global scale. It's a unique opportunity to engage and connect with experts and enthusiasts alike, sharing knowledge and experiences.
Value Investing in a Global Context
We believe in value investing as a universal concept. As we gather in Toronto, investors from around the world will unite to explore its vast potential and discuss how it resonates across different markets and cultures.
Registration now open until 11:59 PM EST on April 1, 2025. Early Bird Pricing ended on March 10, 2025.
Conference Organizer and Chair
Dr. George Athanassakos, Founder & Managing Director, Ben Graham Chair in Value Investing, Ivey Business School
Topic: "How to Determine the Quality of a CEO?"
Morning Keynote Speaker
Presenter: Josef Lakonishok, Founder/CEO/CIO, LSV Asset Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Topic: "Opportunities in Equity Markets"
Luncheon Keynote Speaker
Presenter: Michael Mauboussin, Head of Consilient Research, Counterpoint Global, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, New York, New York, USA
Topic: "Intangibles and Modern Value Investing"
Afternoon Keynote Speaker
Presenter: Adam Waterous, Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer, Waterous Energy Fund, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Topic: "Value Investing in a Commodity Sector - Using a Margin of Safety Approach in a Historical Growth Equity Industry"
Value Investor Session
Presenter: Barbara Ann Bernard, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Wincrest Capital, Nassau, NP, The Bahamas
Topic: "Investing Where Others Won't or Can't"
Presenter: Robert Gill, Portfolio Manager, Fairbank Investment Management Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Topic: "The Investment Process"
Presenter: Tim McElvaine, Founder and President, McElvaine Investment Management Ltd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Topic: "The Day I Almost Fought Mike Tyson and Other Value Investing Tall Tales"
Presenter: Scott Phillips, Principal and Chief Investment Officer, Templeton and Phillips Capital Management, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, USA
Topic: "Investing the Templeton Way"
Presenter: Desmond Kingsford, Founder and Portfolio Manager, Highwood Value Partners, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Topic: "Fishing Where the Fish Are"
Presenter: Ajit Dayal, Founder, Quantum Advisors India, Mumbai, India
Topic: "Value(s) Trump Growth?"
Thank you to our Donors
We would like to thank our donors for their generous support. Platinum Donors: Burgundy Asset Management Ltd., Robotti & Company Advisors, Turtle Creek Asset Management Inc. and Waterous Energy Fund. Gold Donors: The Center for the Advancement of Value Investing Education, LSV Asset Management, and Orbis Investment Management Ltd., Silver Donors: Lyrical Asset Management, Sionna Investment Managers, and Tweedy, Browne Company LLC.