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Student Volunteers

We would like to thank our past and present student volunteers for all the effort and work they do and have done for the Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing.  Their contributions greatly enrich our Centre.  

Senior Newsletter Contributor - Lead Role

Rushil Khare

Rushil Khare

Rushil is an HBA2 student at the Ivey Business School. He has completed internships across various asset management mandates and hopes to build on his experiences in value-investing by contributing to the Ben Graham Centre. Email Rushil

Senior Newsletter Contributors

Venkat Chandrasekharan

Venkat Chandrasekharan

Venkat is a senior at the Ivey Business School from India, although he was raised in East Africa for most of his life. He has completed prior internships in high yield credit and private equity. He is passionate about the world of value investing and the financial markets.  Email Venkat

Jomana Elsays

Jomana is an HBA2 student at Ivey Business School. Upon graduation, she will be working in real estate private equity after completing a summer in CPG. Jomana appreciates value investing's disciplined approach and hopes to emulate these traits in her everyday life. She looks forward to sharing her passion through the Ben Graham Centre. Email Jomana

Max Yermus

Max is an HBA 2 student at the Ivey Business School. Much of his work focuses on developing a deeper understanding of the equity capital markets, studying a variety of investment strategies and market mechanics. Value Investing presents an alternative outlook on the valuation of public equities and the search for intrinsic value, which he greatly appreciate studying. Email Max

Junior Newsletter Contributors

David Hascal

David is an HBA1 student at the Ivey Business School.  He has previously completed internships at long only investment management firms in Toronto and Chicago, and hopes to continue pursuing his passion for value investing through volunteering for the Ben Graham Centre.  Email David 

Dan Suleiman

Dan Suleiman

Dan is an HBA1 at the Ivey Business School. He previously completed an internship at a capital markets advisory firm, and aims to expand on his passion for value investing through volunteering at the Ben Graham Centre.  Email Dan                      

Jonah West

Jonah is a second-year computer science student at Western University who hopes to pursue an HBA at the Ivey Business School. He completed a past internship in private equity and hopes to continue cultivating his interest in value investing by volunteering at the Ben Graham Centre. Email Jonah

Nick Woollcombe

Nick is a second-year economics student at Western University who hopes to enroll with the Ivey Business School. He has completed an internship at an investment bank in Toronto and hopes to build on his interest in value investing through volunteering at the Ben Graham Centre. Email Nick


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