Management Expense Ratio:
The Management Expense Ratio (MER) measures the total costs of operating a fund as a percentage of average total assets. The MER is the reported as a percent. If the MER is not reported, we indicate an N/A.
Morningstar Rating:
The Morningstar Rating, commonly referred to as the Star Rating, relates the risk-adjusted performance of a fund to its peers. Morningstar calculates ratings only for categories with at least 20 funds that have a minimum of three years' performance history, whose returns are reported net of fees, and whose distributions are disclosed. If the Morningstar rating is not reported, we indicate an N/A.
Coefficient of Variation:
Average five (calendar) year annual returns per unit of risk, where risk is defined as the standard deviation of the five year annual returns. The calendar year return is the annual return for a year ending December 31. If five years of annual returns are not available, a coefficient of variation is not reported and instead we indicate an N/A.
Best Annual Return:
This is the best one-year annual return over a five year period. If a fund has less than five years since inception, we indicate an N/A.
Worst Annual Return:
This is the worst one-year annual return over a five year period. If a fund has less than five years since inception, we indicate an N/A.
Fund/Index Comparative Performance:
This indicates the annual comparative performance of a fund for various periods (1yr, 3yr, 5yr, and 10yr), and that of an Index that had returns for the corresponding time periods. Comparative performance indicates the performance for the selected fund and index, relative to other similar funds over various time periods found in the same fund category. If the Fund/Index Comparative Performance is not reported, we indicate an N/A.
Thanks to Burgundy Asset Management for their vision and generous support of the Resource Centre, which benefits practitioners and scholars worldwide.