Episode 10: Intermittency is More Complicated than you Thought
Paige Weber, assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, discusses her paper “Intermittency or Uncertainty? Impacts of Renewable Energy in Electricity Markets,” co-authored with Matt Woerman.
Episode 9: Hitting the (Bench)mark when Forecasting the Price of Oil
Stephen Snudden and I discuss his paper “The New Benchmark for Forecasts of the Real Price of Crude Oil.” This research is co-authored with Amor Aniss Benmoussa and Reinhard Ellwanger.
Episode 8: Disclosure and Learning from your Neighbours in the US Shale Boom
Richard Sweeny and I discuss his paper “Secrecy Rules and Exploratory Investment: Theory and Evidence from the Shale Boom.” This research is co-authored with Thomas Covert.
Episode 7: Weather and International Trade
Leanne Cass, Part of the Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment based in the London School of Economics, discusses her recent paper “Weather Shocks and International Trade”
Episode 6 - Counter-intuitive Fuelwood Collection Behaviour
Martino Pelli, Associate Professor and the Chair of the Department of Economics of the Université de Sherbrooke, discusses his paper "The Effect of Forest Access on the Market for Fuelwood in India", co-authored by Branko Boskovic, Ujjayant chakravorty, and Anna Risch.
Episode 5: What's your VoLL
David Brown, Associate Professor at the University of Alberta, discusses his working paper "The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption", co-authored with Lucija Muehlenbachs.
Episode 4: Flying Over the Trap Door
Maya Papineau, associate professor in the Department of Economics at Carleton University, discusses her Journal of Environmental Economics and Management paper "Experimental evidence on heat loss visualization and personalized information to motivate energy savings" co-authored with Nicholas Rivers.
Episode 3: Pipeline Constraints and Price Differentials
Henry Thille, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of Guelph, discusses his Canadian Journal of Economics paper "Pipeline capacity and the dynamics of Alberta crude oil price spreads", co-authored with Gregory Galay.
Episode 2: Echoes of Energy Prices Past
Katherine Wagner, assistant professor at the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia, discusses her working paper "Technology Lock-in and Optimal Carbon Pricing", co-authored with Jonathan Hawkins-Pierot.
Utility-Scale Batteries in the Real World
Mario Samano, Associate Professor at HEC Montreal, discusses his recent paper "Large-scale battery storage, short-term market outcomes, and arbitrage", co-authored with Stefan Lamp.

Brandon Schaufele
Associate Professor, Business, Economics and Public Policy