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Michael Pearce

Professor Emeritus, Marketing

Professor Emeritus, Marketing
Ivey Eminent Teaching Professor Emeritus

Michael R. Pearce is Ivey Eminent Teaching Professor Emeritus at the Ivey Business School. He joined Ivey in 1974 after completing his doctorate at Harvard Business School.  Although he is Emeritus, he continues to teach courses for MBAs, and to executives in strategic marketing planning, global marketing and leadership.

Dr. Pearce has worked for almost 100 businesses, governments, associations, and non-profit organizations in Canada, United States, Europe, Japan, Slovenia, Hong Kong, China and Kuwait. His areas of expertise are consumer marketing, retail marketing and global marketing planning. His clients have included: AstraZeneca, Bell Canada, Warner Lambert, Buhler-Miag (Germany), TD/Canada Trust, Canadian Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Conference Board of Canada, Digital Equipment Corporation (Switzerland), Eastman Kodak (U.S.), Eizai Company (Japan), General Electric (US), Goodyear, Landis & Gyr (Switzerland), Microsoft Canada, Maple Leaf Foods, Newalta, Ornge, MT&T, Retail Council of Canada, and Alliance Data (Loyalty One).

Over the course of his academic career, Pearce has authored 197 case studies and 60 industry/technical notes, 16 books and many articles and monographs on a wide range of topics. He has developed several courses, most notably the Retail Marketing Management course and the eLeadership program.  His greatest joy is working directly with managers and aspiring managers, followed by writing for them. He has been frequently interviewed by media and continues to serve as an expert witness.

Pearce has directed the Ivey HBA and the Ivey Executive MBA programs and was the Associate Dean: Programs. He was Eaton/NSERC/SSHRC Co-Chair in Retailing (1996-2001). He was faculty director of the Maple Leaf Foods Leadership Academy for six years.

In 2006, Pearce was honoured as the first recipient of the Ivey Eminent Teaching Professor designation. This award recognizes excellence in all aspects of teaching over a career. In June 2008 he was given the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Teaching Award, one of five such prestigious awards amongst all faculty in all universities in Ontario.

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