3300K - Strategy
Strategy consists of an organization's focused efforts to achieve success. Ensuring the continued success of the enterprise requires both analysis and action. The cases and concepts utilized in the course take the total enterprise as the unit of analysis and the general manager as the key actor. Credit: 0.75
3301K - Marketing
The desires and needs of the buyer are important to the manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer. Students analyze the firm's goals, strengths, opportunities, and weaknesses. This analysis is then converted into reasonable marketing strategies and action plans. Students learn to make decisions in the face of considerable uncertainty. Credit: 0.75
3302K - Communications
Designed to make students more effective communicators. The course focuses on presentation skills, writing skills, and the management of the communication process in organizations. In addition to case discussions on oral and organizational communication, the course offers detailed critiques of written assignments and video-taped presentations. Antirequisite(s): MOS 2205F/G Credits: 0.75
3303K - Finance
The course covers problems involved in determining the need for, acquiring and administering the financial resources of a business enterprise, and deals with the need for short-term intermediate funds in the operation of a business organization as well as the subject of long-term financing, capital structures, mergers and acquisitions, etc. Credit: 0.75
3304K - Operations
Management of activities involving movement or processing of materials, information and/or people. Focus is on developing systematic thought about the structure and interrelationships of production situations. Process analysis, work measurement, facilities planning, production control, quality are discussed and utilized. Credit: 0.75
Managerial Accounting & Control
This course provides students the necessary tools to be competent consumers of accounting data and to integrate the understanding of accounts, profits, cost behavior, relevant cost and control systems required for decision-making. Topics include data collection, processing, interpretation, and the utilization of accounting information by managers. Credit: 0.75
3311K - Leading People and Organizations
In this course students will be able to manage themselves and their direct relations with others (including their boss, peers, and subordinates) so that appropriate goals are established and achieved; understand how effective organizations are designed; and understand and contribute to effective organizational change. Credit: 0.75
3316K - Decision Making with Analytics
This course presents a systematic approach to structuring and analyzing decision problems with the use of statistical tools and spreadsheet programs. Problems from all functional areas and various industries are discussed. The course also examines some innovative management tools that are changing the practice of management. Credit: 0.75
3321K - Accounting and Financial Fundamentals
Trains students to be competent consumers of accounting data and to integrate the understanding of accounts, profits, cost behavior, relevant cost and control systems required for decision-making. Topics include data collection, processing, interpretation, and the utilization of accounting information by managers. Credit: 0.75
3322K - Leveraging Information Technology
This course develops a student's understanding of the general manager's role in maximizing the value of information technology (IT) in organizations. This includes the ability to assess a situation from an IT perspective in mind and the impact of technology when creating organizational solutions and how it can leverage a organization's success. Credit: 0.75
3323K - Learning Through Action
This course integrates learning from different managerial perspectives and applies that learning to team-based deliverables. The goal of this course is to develop the HBA Program Leadership Essentials: take action, communicate persuasively, set priorities, maximize team potential, and manage complexity. Credit: 0.75
4505A/B - Global Macroeconomics for Managers
This course enables students to understand the economic and political environments in which they will operate as managers. The course is concerned with issues in the external environment at the country and international levels. Credits: 0.5
4539A/B - Business Strategy & Sustainability
For students interested in understanding the interface between business and sustainability. An introduction to the relationship between sustainability and business strategy. Focusing on the fundamental strategic motivations of business can represent both a force for and against the integrity of these systems. Credits: 0.5
4557A/B - Business Government and Globalization
For students who want to develop a deeper understanding of how global factors such as international economic institutions, trade policies, and regulations affect firm profitability. It takes a single bottom-line perspective to understanding how the international policy environment affects firm profitability and how companies can alter their external environment to their advantage. The course develops a toolkit and uses it to examine nine broad themes of political risk. Students considering careers with a finance, economics or trade focus will benefit from this course. Credits: 0.5
4588A/B - Sustainable Finance
For students interested in investment management who want to achieve a better understanding of the environmental and social portfolio risks, and for students curious about how the fundamental motivations and practices of companies and financial actors can represent both a force for and against society’s interests. Focused on understanding a) how companies and investors can be barriers or enablers of responsible business behavior; b) the different strategies to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities across industries and asset classes; and c) what individuals (e.g. students, shareholders, citizens, managers and politicians), organizations and the society can do to trigger business and finance change toward sustainability. Credits: 0.5
4608A/B - Managing Energy, Resources & the Natural Environment
This course is for students who want to develop a deeper understanding of how to operate in Canada’s largest sector, Energy and Resources. The course will delve into the sensitivities associated with the extraction of natural resources, the uncertainty of commodity pricing, public regulations and industry self-regulation. Students considering careers in accounting, energy, finance, mining, oil and gas, or public advocacy will benefit from this course. Credits: 0.5
New Venture Project
This is a field-based research course for students who are interested in starting their own venture and who want to obtain hands-on experience in the preparation of a business plan for a new venture. It is undertaken in a team of 4-5 people. Credits: 1.0
Client Consulting Project
This is a field-based research course on behalf of a real-world corporate client. It is undertaken in a team of 4-5 people. Course work consists of industry analysis, company size-up, written and oral presentation to client and agreement on deliverables. Credits: 1.0
Service Learning in Africa
For students with an interest in developing a global mindset and an interest in making a strong social impact in a developing country. It will also be of interest to individuals who look forward to a global leadership role that would include doing business with African countries. This course trains future Canadian Business leaders about the business context of Africa while concurrently creating an international service learning experience with real learning value for Ivey HBA’s and participants in African countries.
4402Q/R/S/T Communications & Society
This course will teach students how to communicate effectively in interviews, group collaborations, conflict situations, performance evaluations, media contact situations, and in public relations. Credits: 0.25
4412Q/R/S/T - Advanced Presentation Skills
This course develops presentation skills through practice and feedback, simulations, experiments and "hands-on" demonstrations. Debriefing and feedback are integral parts of this methodology. Credits: 0.25
4503A/B - Creative Approaches to Leadership & Communication
The arts teach a great deal about leadership and communication. This course explores the nature of leadership and the craft of successful leadership communication from a range of important disciplines. Credits: 0.5
4580A/B - Reputation Management
This course will provide students with a broader understanding of reputation risk and reputation management. Research shows that companies who invest in communications are more profitable. CEOs around the world report that reputation and risk to reputation are two of their biggest worries. This course is designed to provide students with opportunities to apply strategic communication skills to analyze current business communication challenges. Credits: 0.5
4584Q/R/S/T - Giving Voice to Leadership
Giving Voice to Leadership (“GVL”) is based on the seminal work of Mary Gentile and has been adopted in universities across the world. It provides students with an opportunity to explore their personal values and capabilities and, more importantly, an opportunity to discover ways of giving these values expression and means of communicating these values in their individual and group commitments and conduct, including leadership opportunities. Credits: 0.25
4439A/B - Entrepreneurial Finance
Focus on the financial challenges facing mid-sized companies that are growing rapidly. Topics include government assistance programs, joint ventures, purchase order financing, bank financing, limited partnerships, franchising, mezzanine financing, private placements, merchant banking, venture capital and initial public offerings. Credits: 0.5
4458A/B - New Venture Creation
This is a required course for all entrepreneurship certificate students. It is also strongly recommended for students in the New Venture Project (while also being very beneficial to students taking the Ivey Field Project). More broadly, however, it is designed for any student wishing to better understand the entrepreneurial process, including opportunity recognition, development, and new venture formation. Students wishing to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, work for an entrepreneurial firm, serve the entrepreneurship community (VC firms, etc.), or become entrepreneurs within a large company are welcome. Credits: 0.5
4566A/B - Managing High Growth Companies
This elective course is targeted to all HBA students who are currently responsible, or expect to be responsible, for managing or working with a high-growth organization. This includes entrepreneurs, professional managers, management consultants, investors and leaders from family businesses. Though the course focuses on de-novo entrepreneurial companies, many of its principles also have application in the development of entrepreneurial businesses within established organizations. Credits: 0.5
4610Q/R/S/T - Leading Family Firms
HBA students with two characteristics; First, if you are from an entrepreneurial family this course will benefit your interaction with that family business. Second, if you are interested in consulting, wealth management and investment banking, this course teaches advisory skills for dealing with entrepreneurial families and is ideal for you.
4611A/B - Start-ups: Tricky Issues, Hustle, & Grit
A new HBA2 Elective for Spring 2017, this course is being offered for students who have interest in creating their own start-up and who want to become better prepared for the grind. To help students prepare for the critical moments that may determine the success of their start-ups. Credits: 0.5
4413A/B - Derivatives & Risk Management
Designed for students interested in careers in investment banking, finance consulting, or corporate finance. Prerequisite: Business Administration 3303
4433A/B - Portfolio Management
For students interested in money and capital markets. Objectives: (i) knowledge of established portfolio theory, (ii) understanding of the Canadian securities industries, and (iii) consideration of basic ethical, communication and organizational problems involved in management of financial assets.
4443A/B - Value Investing
An overview of the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of value investing. Topics include the value investing process, institutional investor behaviour, search strategies, market psychology, the phenomenon of neglect, valuation, concepts of intrinsic value and margin of safety, and hybrid securities.
4554A/B - Private Equity
This course is for students planning to work for a private equity firm, or those who will have direct dealings with private equity firms, including investment bankers, pension fund managers and managers working at companies where private equity may be a source of capital. The course aims to give students an understanding of the role private equity plays in financial markets, how the sector has grown, and how it is structured and operates.
4559A/B - Raising Capital in the Financial Markets
This course is designed for HBA2s who plan to work for an investment bank, the corporate treasury division of a mature corporation, or a company about to go public. It is also suitable for students pursuing a career in private equity, investments, or consulting. (This course does not cover private equity, which is covered by BUS 4554 Private Equity).
4567A/B - Wealth Management
Students interested in the management of their own finances and investments or pursuing a career in retail financial Planning. The principal objective of the course is to provide a framework and sufficient knowledge for the individual investor to undertake financial and investment decisions within their overall personal financial plan.
4574A/B - Mergers, Acquisitions, and Restructurings
This course is designed for HBA2s who plan to work for an investment bank, the corporate treasury division of a mature corporation, or an asset manager such as a pension fund, private equity firm, or hedge fund. The course is technical and not advised for students who are uncomfortable with finance.
4583A/B - Behavioural Finance
This course is intended for HBA2 students who plan to pursue finance careers, entrepreneurial endeavours or to enrich their understandings of business decision-making. The goal of the course is to deepen students’ understanding of how financial decisions are made in a vast array of settings, incorporating insights from individual and social psychology in modern financial theory.
4613A/B - Introduction to Real Estate
This course is aimed at students who may want to pursue a career in commercial real estate as well as for those students who see the importance and value of real estate across other industries (e.g. retail, banking, logistics, etc). The course is intended to cover a broad selection of asset classes including office, industrial, retail and multi-family properties and is meant to appeal to broad range of interests in real estate including but not limited to lending, development and managing a portfolio of properties.
4450A/B - Business Law
This course aims to help students organize and understand the increasing network of legislation and regulation which influences the general management of organizations. In the cases and readings, the emphasis is placed on the law in evolution - not on specific rules and regulations, but as a continuous attempt to solve social and management problems. Anti-requisite: MOS2275A
4458A/B - Leading Change
This course is relevant for HBA students who are interested in learning how to lead organizations through successful and lasting change. The course lies at the intersection of strategy and organizational behaviour. The topic is particularly relevant to those aiming for general management or consulting careers.
4480A/B - Global Strategy
The course will build students' capacity to address the need and the means of moving from a domestic base to international operations and an understanding of how established global firms develop and implement strategy in a complex international setting.
4547A/B - Health Sector & Leadership Innovation
A foundation for students who wish to pursue careers or who have an interest in the health sector. The course is designed to encourage innovation and systems thinking and to help students develop a deep understanding of how the industries and policy spaces that comprise the health sector interact to deliver value in the form of patient outcomes.
4553A/B - Social Enterprise
This course explores the different mechanisms of value creation in organizations that combine doing good and doing well. It also engages the students in anticipating, evaluating and addressing the challenges of implementing such hybrid business models in different socio-economic, political and cultural contexts, ranging from affluence to extreme scarcity (rural villages in Africa or South America), and from stability to extreme volatility (urban slums, conflict zones).
4579A/B - The dark side of capitalism: Pirates, mavericks, and industry disruption
How do industries emerge, grow, die or get disrupted by powerful organizations that do not always follow the traditional rules of the game? Today, for instance, many industries are affected by some form of piracy: pharmaceuticals, music, software, fashion, finance, cinema, the news media, luxury goods... Tomorrow, with the diffusion of 3D printing, the generalization of information leaks and the rise of stateless currencies such as bitcoin, pirates will have more power than ever to disrupt existing businesses – and what it means to operate a capitalist firm will shift substantially in the next few years. Understanding the dynamics of industry disruption has thus become an essential skill for anyone willing to take a leadership position in an organization that values innovation.
4518A/B - Project Management
Designed to provide students with a holistic, integrative view of project management. Both the technical elements (e.g., scope, schedules, budgets and status reports, etc.) and the socio-cultural elements (e.g., leadership, teamwork, politics, etc.) of project management will be examined.
4543A/B - Technology, Innovation & Action
This course is targeted to students who are interested in building businesses with new technology. Students will look at how to identify technology innovation capability for use within existing businesses or new startups.
4600A/B - Data Management for Decision Making
This course provides an applied introduction to cutting-edge techniques and tools used to capture, organize, manage and query data within organizations, with an emphasis on how to design, use, and interpret data via both transactional database and “big data” technologies. The course will be useful to a wide range of graduates including those in marketing, finance, consulting, technology, HR, business development, and any one interested in “data hacking”.
4417A/B - Corporate Financial Reporting
The main objective of this course is to help students to become better users of financial statements by developing a knowledge and understanding of some of the key financial reporting concepts and accounting principles and an understanding of the financial reporting system. The course also takes a managerial perspective of financial disclosure.
4479A/B - Taxation for Managers
This course is designed for individuals who wish to understand how income tax laws impact various types of income and wealth accumulation. It is specifically relevant to those pursuing careers in accounting, finance or becoming entrepreneurs. Antirequisite: BUS4437Q/R/S/T
4497A/B - Introductory Audit
The course begins with an examination of the factors affecting the demand and supply of assurance including independence, third party litigation, and the market for assurance services. We then review the traditional audit risk model, materiality, and the various types of audit evidence. The course proceeds to an in-depth examination of such key issues as knowledge of client’s business, management fraud, proper application of analytical procedures, understanding and analyzing business processes and management controls, and evidence evaluation.
4469A/B - Management Science for Competitive Advantage
Examine the use of Management Science/Operational Research (MS/OR) as a competitive weapon. Learn some of the ways that globally competitive corporations are using MS/OR to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage, and review some major public sector applications of MS/OR that have yielded benefits.
4486A/B - Financial Analytics
This course implements financial models in Excel. The main topics covered are: modeling financial instruments, programming in Excel and modeling for valuation.
4517A/B - End User Modelling
The course will freshen and sharpen Excel and management science modeling concepts and skills, and introduce programming with VBA and provide a variety of applications (i.e. simulation, optimization) from various fields (i.e. finance, operations, services).
4520A/B - Revenue Management
Students will learn the basic principles of revenue management and pricing models, revenue management and pricing as a strategic competitive advantage, industry adaptations of revenue management, auctions and online auctions, and forecasting and data-driven revenue management.
4545A/B - Sports and Entertainment Analytics
4590A/B - Introductory Data Science
Introductory Data Science lives up to its name. We will explain basic principles without the theoretical mumbo-jumbo and jumps right to the real use cases you will face as you collect, curate, and analyze the data crucial to the success of your business. You will apply the R programming language and statistical analysis techniques to carefully explained examples based in marketing, business intelligence, and decision support.
4603A/B - Data Management in Excel/VBA
Buy side firms are using Business Intelligence solutions to track and manage their portfolio of companies. There is a tremendous amount of data flowing from each portfolio company every month. The incoming data is diverse – balance sheets, income statements, cash flows, operating metrics, debt schedules, budgets vs. actual, segment data, month/quarterly/annual data points.
4421A/B - Business to Business Marketing and Sales Management
The objective of the course is to enhance students' capacity to make strategic decisions as managers in firms marketing industrial products and services which, unlike consumer products, are marketed to business and other organizations for use in the products and services which they produce.
4431A/B - Advertising & Promotion
This course is based on the concept that advertising, personal selling and other promotional activities of the firm have a common purpose - the communication of incentives to buy. Objective: to develop analytical and decision-making skills relevant to the formulation of an effective marketing communications strategy.
4495A/B - Consumer Brands Marketing
The course looks at brand management and its relation to product management. We examine (i) product line management as a strategic option and competitive issues in brand management; (ii) environmental threats to the brand, including private labels and changes in media; and (iii) global branding and its organizational basis.
4500A/B - Learning from Leaders
Students will study the actions, backgrounds and beliefs of proven leaders who have turned around failing organizations or led successful organizations over time and who are widely recognized for success. Antirequisite: The Former BUS4500Q/R/S/T
4530A/B - Competition and Competitor Analysis
For students considering a career in general management, consulting or marketing. Many principles discussed in class will also be useful to entrepreneurs. May also be of interest to students seeking knowledge of concepts and development of skills that enable them to understand and respond to the competitive environment.
4535Q/R/S/T - Internet Marketing
This course is aimed at students who aspire to work in marketing, advertising or an Internet-focused business. This is an introductory course, which assumes no prior knowledge of online marketing or related technologies.
4535A/B - Integrated Marketing Decisions
The focus of this course is integrating a wide range of marketing tools and analyses to drive good business decisions. This elective is a combination of integrated marketing cases, and the renowned SABRE marketing simulation. Each week will normally include one case-class, and 2-3 rounds of on-line simulation.
4548A/B - Consumer Insights
For students who aspire to have a career in leading edge, customer-centric company that relies heavily on unique customer insights to motivate marketing strategy (from segmentation, positioning, innovation development and communications decisions).
4572A/B - Retailing Management
Students interested in pursuing a career in retail management, as well as those wishing to gain a stronger footing in the current challenges and opportunities firms face when offering their products and services in today’s fast changing market. This course provides an overview of designing and managing retailing in the current fast moving business environment.
4592A/B - Sports & Entertainment Marketing
The business of sports and entertainment is changing at an incredible rate due to an array of important changes to the technological and socio-cultural environment. For example, commercial free digital content (movies, television series) available to consumers on demand has pushed traditional communications platforms like television to dramatically increase the rights fees it pays for live sports programming in order to keep subscribers. This, in turn, has greatly enhanced the enterprise value of sports and entertainment businesses such as professional sports franchises, media production firms and athlete representation companies. This elective focuses on developing skills in the areas of marketing tactics, valuation techniques and the managerial decision making involved with succeeding in the highly dynamic sports and entertainment industry.
4614A/B - Social Media Analytics and Digital Marketing
The first decade of twenty-first century is the era of business analytics and social media. The increasing popularity of social media has resulted in astounding growth in the amount of digital data available, Marketers keep up to date on emerging digital information relevant to business. Marketing managers are now determining how social media platform can be leverage to gain competitive strategy. This course will help you understand online buy behavior, firm advertising strategy and market structure. The goal is for students to learn frameworks and methods that will allow them to generate valuable and actionable marketing insights from common social media sources.
4434A/B - Management of Services
The course aims at establishing a framework for evaluating existing and new service concepts from the standpoint of the operator or investor. Specific emphasis is placed on evaluating those criteria which protect a service organization so as to ensure its success in its competitive environment.
4454A/B - Operations Strategy
Develop the ability to identify the relationships among competitive structure, manufacturing and service technologies, and market demands; prepare viable operations strategies for a firm within the identified constraints; and change the operations of a firm into a principal competitive strategy.
4489Q/R/S/T - Management of Professional Services Firms
Learn how to understand the impact of the current environment on the professional firm, the strategic alternatives available as well as how the structure and administrative systems of the firm relate to the strategy. It will also cover women in management, ethics and globalization relative to the professional firm.
4408A/B - Cross Cultural Management
Problems of human behavior in cross-cultural contexts are examined and solutions sought. Managerial issues involving the interaction of two or more cultures in international business situations (as well as settings within Canada) are treated. In addition to normal classroom case discussions, field work and involvement exercises are used.
4468A/B - Interpersonal Negotiations
Negotiations is the art and science of securing agreements between two or more parties who are interdependent and who are seeking to maximize their outcomes. The central issues of this course deal with understanding the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations in the context of interdependent situations.
4502Q/R/S/T - Biotech Strategy
This course covers changes in regulatory, economic, social and technological environments. These forces play out in combination with the uncertainties, complexities and dynamics of the competitive forces and intersecting industries within which organizations attempt to operationalize sustainable strategies to generate, capture and distribute value.
4537A/B - Making Decisions to Implement Strategy
Geared towards students who want to deepen their understanding and mastery of business strategy. This class explores different decision-making methodologies that managers can use to effectively execute strategies. Strategy implementation or execution will be examined from various managerial levels within the same organization.
4459Q/R/S/T or 4499A/B - Case-Writing or Research Project Course
Students will develop and write a case or research project with the purpose of providing them with the opportunity to partner with a faculty member to learn the case-writing and research process. This course is useful to persons considering further academic work or doing special projects in industry.
4452Q/R/S/T - New Venture Creation
This course explores the many dimensions of new venture creation and growth and fosters innovation and new business formations in independent and corporate settings.
4571A/B - Leadership Under Fire - Developing Character
The course will be conducted off-site at a Canadian Forces base. Some classroom instruction at the front end, followed by a number of days of field work and then culminating with a day of "lessons learned" and presentations on leadership by individuals in Canadian society for their leadership ability.
4657- Programming for Business Application
As organizations increasingly rely on digital technologies for decision-making and insights, the demand for programming skills among business professionals is growing. This course introduces programming with a focus on its common applications across a broad spectrum of business practices. Upon completion, students will gain coding experience, digital fluency, and an understanding of programming's relevance in modern business.