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IB Seminar: Aya S. Chacar, "The Role of Host Country Networks in Foreign Investment Location Decisions"

Mar 22, 2017

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Paul Beamish is pleased to invite you to a Research Talk presented by Aya S. Chacar, Ingersoll-Rand Professor, Department of Management & International Business, College of Business, Florida International University.  The talk is entitled “The Role of Host Country Networks In Foreign Investment Location Decisions”.

Details: Wednesday, March 22, 2017, 1:15 pm, Ivey Business School, Room 2125



By Celo, Sokol, Chacar, Aya & Thams, Yannick

ABSTRACT:Extant theory emphasizes the role of host country factors and home-host countries’ ‘distance’ on the choice of foreign investment location (FIL).  This study argues that host country networks constitute a third set of drivers of FIL choice. Host country networks in general (HCN), and more specifically host country investment networks (HCINs) are fundamental to multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) locational choices. HCINs signal the potential benefits of investing in the host country and channel knowledge and information about potential partners  and investment opportunities in that country. HCINs also channel information and knowledge about third countries within the HCIN facilitating the evaluation of future investments into these third countries. HCINs also increase the attractiveness of the host country as a ‘regional’ base. We hence argue that the relative propensity to invest into a host country (RPI) is positively associated with HCIN.  This hypothesis is tested using nearly half a million firm investment data aggregated to measure the impact of HCIN on RPI between more than 24,000 country dyads. The results support the importance of HCN to FIL choices.

Click here to view Professor Chacar's CV