The Promo Block is often used in conjunction with another banner as a support, but it may also be used on its own.
The Promo Block replaces the Title Bar section of the Header.
It has a title, supporting content, and an optional call to action button.
Customizations for the Promo Block
- Title: This is the title/heading of the promo block.
- Header Type: This determines the type of heading used for the title.
- Content: This is the supporting content that appears below the title.
- Button: The button is optional. It requires both a caption and a link.
- Button Alignment: This dropdown allows editors to align the button to the right or centred below the content.
- Color Picker: The color picker lets you apply a colour to either the background or the button of the Promo Block.
- Color Toggle: This toggles between whether the color picker applies to the background colour or button colour.