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Introduction to Umbraco

Umbraco is the Content Management System (CMS) which Ivey Business School uses to:

  • add new content
  • maintain and update content
  • remove old content
  • post news articles
  • post upcoming events

Umbraco is used on all Ivey websites except the Ivey Business Journal (which uses WordPress).

Umbraco provides a similar user interface to Windows or Mac operating system environment. It organizes the websites it manages within folders containing all of their associated content.

How Umbraco Works

For each website that Umbraco manages, there are subfolders (or subdirectories) that represent the different places and pages of the website that users visit. These subfolders are organized in a content tree.

Because the Ivey website has many different places or sites to visit (such as the Accounting Centre, HBA Program, etc.) each one of these subsites has its own folder in Umbraco with its own pages.

Each subsite can have as many pages as desired. However, pages must be organized into folders containing related pages to help a visitor navigate around the website easier.


The names of these pages are actually shown in the address bar of your browser after the forward slash of the URL address (“/”). When a page name is in front of the “/”, it means that it belongs to the parent page above it (ie. the page behind the “/”.) For example, the Research page of the Accounting Centre ( is a subpage of its parent, the Accounting Centre page. Similarly, the Accounting Centre page is a subpage of its parent

Putting related pages under specific parent directories ensures that visitors can find relevant information to that topic in one place. Each time you publish a new page, it will receive a unique URL address according to its title and where it is located within Umbraco’s folder system. That's why it is important to make sure you are publishing pages in the correct Umbraco folder.

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