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Move or Copy a Page

Because Umbraco is like a folder system in Windows, pages and folders you create are not restricted from being moved or copied to a different location.

To move or copy a folder or page to a new location follow these steps:

  1. Right click the item or click the ellipsis icon on the item you want to move or copy to open the options menu.
  2. Select the Move or Copy option from the options menu list. A window will appear presenting the Umbraco website’s Content Tree.
  3. Using this tree, locate the folder or location you would like to move or copy your file to.
  4. Click the folder, to mark the folder to move to with a check mark.
  5. Confirm that you have selected a folder to move the items to by looking for the checkmark and once ready press the Move (or Copy) button at the bottom of the window.

Your item has now been moved or copied to the new location. Confirm this by clicking to the folder in the Content Tree and seeing if the items are there.

NOTE: The type of page you are moving/copying must be allowed under the folder you are moving it into. Umbraco will let you know if you are unable to move the page.

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