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The Editor Experience

The Editor Experience in Umbraco is divided into three sections:

  • Navigation Menu
  • Content Directory
  • Content Editor

Navigation Menu

The Navigation Menu sits on the left side of the screen. It allows editors to access the different sections of Umbraco.

All editors should have access to at least two sections: Content and Media.

Administrators may also have access to additional sections: Users and Redirects.

At the top left is a user profile icon that allows users to edit their profile, change their password, log out, and see which pages they most recently viewed.

At the bottom left is a Help section provided by Umbraco.

Content Directory

Located directly to the right of the Navigation Menu, the Content Directory lists all of the pages that comprise the website.

Pages that have an arrow next to them are directories, and can be opened to reveal subpages within them.

To open or close a directory, click on the small arrow next to the directory's name.

The different icons for each page represent the different types of content. An icon with a green circle over it indicates that there are changes to that page which have been saved but not published.

Left click on a directory or page to open it in the Content Editor.

Right click on a directory or page to open a menu with options such as copying, deleting, or creating a page. You can also click on the three dots that appear next to a page when you hover over it to create a new page.

Content Editor

The Content Editor is where the actual content of the page can be created, edited, saved, and published.

It is broken down into two sections: the top section where the URL/Nav title and tabs are, and the bottom section where the page title and other content fields exist.

The URL/Nav title is what is used to determine what the URL of the page is. It is also the title used for the page in the Content Directory and the name used in top navigation. It can be different that the page title, which is edited in the Title field below.

There are multiple tabs on each page that can be edited, but the most important one is the Content tab, which is opened by default.

Content Tab

For most Basic Page Types, the Content tab will allow you to work with the Grid to add, edit, remove, and re-organize content on your page.

Learn more about the Grid

For other pages, it is where you will find most of the fields responsible for displaying key content to the visitors viewing the page on the website.

Examples of these pages include:

Sidebar Tab

The Sidebar tab is used on Sidebar Page Types to let editors select assets to appear in the right (or left, in rare cases) sidebars.

With the introduction of the Grid, Sidebar Pages will eventually be deprecated.

Banner Tab

The Banner tab is used to select banners to appear at the top of the page.

If there is no banner selected, a default banner with a grey background and the page title (H1 tag) is displayed instead.

Learn more about banners

Metadata Tab

The Metadata tab is used for entering information that is used by search engines or other indexing. This information is not usually visible to a web visitor, but is used to help classify a page.

  • Meta Title: This replaces the default title of the page, which is usually the page title plus the name of the site. Example: "Executive MBA Program Details | Ivey Executive MBA"
  • Meta Description: This is used by Google and other search engines to describe the page in their search results. If no meta description is provided, Google will find content on the page that it thinks is a relevant description.
  • Ivey Canonical Name: This is used primarily by Centres and Institutes as a way of letting visitors know which site they are on. The Canonical Name appears above every page title (H1 tag) in the default banner.
  • Indexed Title, Subtitle, Image, Excerpt: There are certain assets on the site that will display an index of pages (ex: Executive Education programs). These fields are what the index uses to describe the page.

Settings Tab

The Settings tab is used for controlling advanced features of a particular page.

  • Subtitle: This is an (optional) subtitle that appears below the page title in the default banner header.
  • Leading Paragraph: This is an (optional) paragraph that appears below the page title and subtitle in the default banner header.
  • Title Bar Links: These are (optional) button links that appear below the page title, subtitle, and leading paragraph in the default banner header.
  • Left Navigation Subtitle: This is no longer in use.
  • Override URL Name: By default the URL title field is used to produce the URL for a particular page. This field will overwrite that with whatever you enter.
  • Override Canonical URL: By default, the current URL of the page is the canonical URL - indicating that there are no duplicate versions of this page. However, if this page is a duplicate of another page, you may enter that page's URL here to indicate to the search index that they are the same.
  • Show Title Ribbon: Check this box if you would like to show the title ribbon above the page title (H1) tag in the default banner header. The title ribbon is the Ivey Canonical Name.
  • Disable Banner Inheritance: Check this box if you would like to disable the banner inheritance. By default, a page inherits the banner of the page above it in the content tree.
  • Disable Breadcrumb: Check this box if you would like to disable the breadcrumb navigation from showing in the default banner header.
  • Hide from Navigation: Check this box if you would like this page to be hidden in the top navigation.
  • Expand child pages in Navigation: This is no longer in use.
  • Override Navigation Link Text: This is no longer in use.
  • This is the Homepage: Check this box if you would like to indicate that this page is a homepage for a site. For example, Homecoming is a home page within the Alumni site.
  • Internal Redirect: Select another page on the website to redirect traffic from this page.
  • External Redirect: Select a page on another website to redirect traffic from this page.
  • Tracking Code: Enter any special tracking code required for this page.
  • Google Analytics Experiment Key: This is no longer in use.
  • Disable Page Heading H1: Check this box if you would like to disable the default banner header.
  • Disable Header Navigation: Check this box if you would like to disable the top navigation menu.


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