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Upload a File or Image

Mediasection UploadingafileOne of the benefits of a CMS is the ability to store, organize, and reuse assets like images or documents.

When an editor uploads a new image or file to Umbraco, they must specify the folder in the Umbraco Media Section they would like to store it in.

Each site (program, centre, institute, etc.) has their own folder in the Media section. You may only see or have access to one of these folders. However, as an editor, you control all of the folders and files within the folder for your site.

Our recommendation is to use at least two folders. You will likely want many more.

  • An Images folder which contains specific picture files (.jpg, .png, .bmp, etc).
  • A Documents or PDF folder which contain specific documents and files related to that folder (.pdf, .docx, .xls, etc).
UMBRACO PRO TIP: Stay organized! Many people use the Umbraco system, this means uploading all your files into only one folder can make for a messy and frustrating retrieval of a prized 1998 Ivey Casebook document you might be looking for in the future. If the centre or program you are working has its own folder in the Media Section, practice Umbraco etiquette by saving your files into the correct location.

There are two ways to upload an file in Umbraco:

  1. Through the Media Section before you insert the file or image on to a page
  2. Through the Media Menu at the point in time when you insert a file or image

Through the media section

To upload through the Media section, ensure you have clicked on the Media button in the Navigation Menu so that the Media section appears.

Click through to the desired folder you would like to upload your file. The Content Directory of Umbraco will display the available folders.

Mediasection Imagefolder Uploadingafile

Clicking on any one of the sub-folders will take you deeper into the folder structure, to help find the correct location to upload the file. Once you have found the appropriate folder to upload the file into, select the upload icon and follow the instructions on the screen.

UMBRACO PRO TIP: Give files descriptive names! As files accumulate in Umbraco, the more descriptive an image or file title, the easier to find the exact media you're looking for. Consider renaming non-descriptive file names such as “Ivey1.pdf”, “IMG_001.jpg”, “pic22.jpg” to more detailed names such as: “Ivey-branding-report.pdf”, “Parliament-hill-photography.jpg”, “faculty-first-last-headshot.jpg”.

Through the media menu

Mediapickermenu Uploadhighlight InsertinganimageYou can also upload a file from the Media Menu when inserting media into the content editor section.

Once you select the “Media Picker” option and open the Media Menu, locate the area where you would like to upload the file. Once you have found the correct folder you would like to upload the file to, select the upload icon in the top right hand corner and upload the file to Umbraco.

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