The Leadership Council is an advisory body to the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership. It firmly grounds Ivey with Canadian and global business leaders by providing direction to the Institute on issues pertinent to leadership, endorsing the Institute’s interests to external constituencies, and raising the Institute’s profile.
Rahul Bhardwaj
President & CEO
Institute of Corporate Directors
Julian Birkinshaw
Ivey Business School
Brian Gallant, K.C.
Space Canada
Franca Gucciardi
Chief Operating Officer
Jon Hantho
President & CEO
CBI Health Group
Ian O. Ihnatowycz
President & CEO
First Generation Capital Inc.
Tara John
Head, Human Resources
TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank
Mona Malone (Chair)
CHRO and Head of People, Culture & Brand, BMO Financial Group
Dr. Laurence Mussio
Chair, The Long Run Institute
Sevaun Palvetzian
President and CEO
Jeannine Pereira, CPA, CA
Director, Talent Development
EY Canada
Barbara Stymiest
BlackBerry Board of Directors (retired)
Dusya Vera
Executive Director, Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership
Professor, Strategy
Stephen Virgin
Strategic Advisor to the CHRO
Canada Revenue Agency
Rashid Wasti
EVP & Chief Talent Officer
Weston Group of Companies
Kathy Woods
Partner, Future Ready Organization
Deloitte Canada (retired)
Miyo Yamashita
President & CEO
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation