Susan Mohammed, Director of Graduate Training, Associate Professor of Psychology, Penn State University will be at the Ivey Business School to receive the Best Leadership Paper Award for her paper "Temporal Diversity and Team Performance: The Moderating Role of Temporal Leadership". This award is made possible by the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership.
The Abstract:
This study examines how team temporal diversity-variation in members' time urgency, pacing style, and time perspective--an be effectively managed to maximize team performance. Results from 71 teams in a business process outsourcing firm in India reveal that team temporal leadership moderated the relationships between time urgency diversity and team performance and between pacing style diversity and team performance. Specifically, the influence of time urgency and pacing style diversity on team performance was more positive under conditions of stronger team temporal leadership than under weaker team temporal leadership. Team temporal leadership also had a direct, positive influence on team performance.
Room 2125
1:00 pm