On September 20 the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership will host HBA Leadership Day, where we will dedicate the day to the development of our students as leaders. The HBA1 class will have the opportunity to have a first-hand look at the development of good leadership from some of Canada’s most respected practitioners.
The day will begin with a panel of leaders representing a broad range of perspectives. The panel session will be led by Ivey Professor Gerard Seijts, Executive Director of the Leadership Institute and author of the book Good Leaders Learn: Lessons from Lifetimes of Leadership and co-author of Developing Leadership Character. The panel discussion will focus on the learning that happens to good leaders throughout their lives – the experiences and influences that enable leaders to know what to do, how to act and how to lead during tumultuous and trying times. Three proven leaders will participate in the panel:
Janet Bannister, HBA ‘92
General Partner, Real Ventures
John Bayliss, HBA ‘99
Senior Vice President – Logistics, Walmart Canada
Peter Devlin
Fanshawe College President
Following the panel discussion, students will participate in a mini-case class in their section classrooms. These cases have been specially written for this event and will be facilitated by guest faculty members.