On September 11, 2019, the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership will hosted our annual Ivey HBA Leadership Day - a day dedicated to the development of our HBAs as leaders.
Leadership Panel
The day will began with a panel of leaders representing a broad range of perspectives and moderated by Professor Gerard Seijts, Executive Director of the Institute for Leadership. The panel discussion will focus on the learning that happens to good leaders throughout their lives – the experiences and influences that enable leaders to know what to do, how to act and how to lead during tumultuous and trying times. Our panelists are:
Jon Hantho, MBA '89
President & CEO, CBI Health Group
Franca Gucciardi
CEO, McCall MacBain Foundation
Vince Guzzo
President & CEO, Cinemas Guzzo, Dragon’s Den
Following the panel discussion, students will participate in a mini-case class in their section classrooms. These cases have been specially written for this event and will be facilitated by guest faculty members.
Keynote Address by Olympian Jeremiah Brown
Jeremiah Brown is one of few Olympians ever to have started learning his sport only four years before winning a medal at the Olympics. Jeremiah’s book, The 4 Year Olympian, spent five weeks as the #1 bestselling sports memoir in Canada. His story has been featured on CBC, CTV, Roger’s Sportsnet, the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, and USA Today.
Jeremiah seems to operate on four-year cycles of reinvention. From commercial banker to Olympic medallist, from Olympian to Canadian sport leader, and from Canadian sport leader to bestselling author and professional speaker.
Through each transformation, Jeremiah has come to learn the most crucial strategies that make the difference between success and failure. He now passionately helps organizations and people understand how to overcome adversity and adapt to change in their own careers and personal lives.