January: HBA Character Leadership & Resilience Conference
(Formerly HBA Leader Character & Candour Conference)
Character and candour are intimately connected and both are essential in great leadership, but in short supply. Building on the cutting-edge, world-class research and teaching being conducted at Ivey, the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership has designed a day for students to experience first-hand what character is, why it is so critical, and how they can develop it.
This conference provides students with the opportunity to hear from two exceptional keynote addresses from leaders in very different fields who deliver compelling messages reminding students of the importance of leader character and resilience.
Students also receive their own personalized self-assessment of leaders’ character and will work with faculty to identify how character plays out in the leadership of Nelson Mandela.
Learn more about our previous Leader Character & Candour Conferences:

Jody Wilson-Raybould
Former member of Canadian Parliament, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
March/April: HBA Troost Annual Leadership Event
The Troost Annual Leadership Event is presented by Ivey’s Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership and made possible by a generous donation from Kathleen and Bill Troost, MBA ’75.
Former Enron CFO, Andy Fastow speaks to students via webcast about his career with Enron, how Enron and his personal career derailed, and what he learned both personally and professionally. In 2002, Mr. Fastow was indicted on 78 counts including fraud, money laundering and conspiracy. Two years later he pleaded guilty to two counts of wire and securities fraud and struck a deal with federal authorities to become an informant of other former Enron executives in exchange for a reduced sentence. His presentation focused on the distinction between legal and ethical decisions in the gray areas of laws, regulations and rules.
Mr. Fastow took full accountability for his actions and has acknowledged on many occasions that he caused immeasurable damage. He acknowledged that he tries, “by doing these presentations, especially by meeting with students or directors, to help them understand why I did the things I did, how I went down that path, and how they might think about things so they also don’t make the mistakes I made.”

July: MBA Leadership Day
MBA Leadership Day is a day dedicated to the development of our students as leaders. Ivey's MBA classes has the opportunity to have a first-hand look at the development of good leadership from some of Canada’s most respected practitioners.
The day begins with a panel of leaders representing a broad range of perspectives, moderated by the Leadership Institute's Executive Director. The panel discussion focuses on the learning that happens to good leaders throughout their lives – the experiences and influences that enable leaders to know what to do, how to act and how to lead during tumultuous and trying times. Following the leadership panel, students participate in a special case class focused on crucible leadership moments. The event ends with a keynote speaker.
Learn more about our previous MBA Leadership Days:

Isaac Olowolafe Jr.
Real estate entrepreneur, philantropist, and Co-Founder & General Partner, BKR Capital

Thomas d'Aquino
Entrepreneur, philanthropist, corporate director, educator, and #1 national bestselling author
September: HBA Leadership Day
HBA Leadership Day is dedicated to fostering leadership development among Ivey’s HBA1 students. The event offers a unique opportunity to learn directly from some of Canada’s most esteemed leaders.
The day begins with a dynamic panel discussion featuring leaders from diverse backgrounds, moderated by the Executive Director of the Leadership Institute. The panel explores the experiences and influences that shape effective leadership, focusing on how leaders navigate challenging and uncertain times. Following the discussion, students engage in a specialized case class centered on crucible leadership moments. The event concludes with an inspiring keynote address.
Learn more about our previous HBA Leadership Days:

Waneek Horn-Miller
Canadian Olympian, activist and speaker on Indigenous health and reconciliation

John Wiggins
Vice President, Organizational Culture and Inclusion for the Toronto Raptors
November: Thomas d'Aquino Lecture on Leadership
The annual Lecture on Leadership was established in 2006 to salute Thomas d’Aquino’s outstanding contributions to national and international business, public policy and the voluntary sector – contributions that carry on to this very day. Mr. d'Aquino delivered the inaugural Lecture in 2006 at an evening in his honour attended by over 1000 guests. Each year, this Lecture is presented twice: once at Iveyfor HBA1 students and faculty, and once in Ottawa in the presence of senior decision-makers drawn from the worlds of business, government, academe and diplomacy.
This lecture’s speaker alumni are all exemplars of character in leadership and represent some of Canada’s most eminent leaders:
- Goldy Hyder, President & CEO of Business Council of Canada (photo top right)
- The Honourable Rona Ambrose, former leader of Canada's Official Opposition in the House of Commons and deputy Chairwoman at TD Securities
- The Honourable Perrin Beatty, President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
- Beverley McLachlin, former Chief Justice of Canada (photo bottom right)
- Linda Hasenfratz, Linamar Corporation Chief Executive
- David Dodge, Governor of the Bank of Canada
- Kevin Lynch, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet
- John Manley, former Deputy Prime Minister
- Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England
- The Honourable Michael Wilson, Chairman of Barclays Canada and former Minister of Finance and Ambassador to the United States