Crossan, M. (2024). Make Character Count in Hiring and Promoting. MIT Sloan Management Review.
Seijts, G. & Young Milani, K. (2024). The character imperative: Creating a more just, prosperous, and sustainable future. Organizational Dynamics, 53, 3.
Branzei, O., Vera, D. & Young Milani, K. (2024) Leading in the Eye of the ESG Storm. Amplify, May 15.
Vera, D. & Crossan, M. (2024). Enabling Neurodiversity Through Leader Character. Emotional Intelligence Magazine.
Crossan, M., Furlong, B. & Prudent, N. (2024). Getting to the Heart of DEI Through Character: Part 2. Training Industry Magazine, January 4.
Crossan, M. & Furlong, B. (2024). A guiding compass. All India Management Association, January.
Crossan, M., Furlong, B. & Prudent, N. (2023). Getting to the Heart of DEI Through Character: Part 1. Training Industry Magazine, December 26.
Crossan, M. & Furlong, B. (2023). Society Needs a Leadership Paradigm Shift. Leadership Now, December 4.
Crossan, M. & Furlong, B. (2023). Character - The Aerodynamics of Leadership. CEOWORLD Magazine, November 23.
Barath, I., & Seijts, G. (2023). Character counts in well-being and leadership. WomenPolice, February-April, 24-28.
Crossan, M. & Crossan, C. (2023). Exercising Your Leadership Character. Chief Executive, January 22.
Seijts, G., Young Milani, K. (2022). The application of leader character to building cultures of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Business Horizons. Volume 65, Issue 5, September–October 2022, Pages 573-590
Seijts, G.H., Young Milani, K. (2020). The myriad ways in which COVID-19 revealed character. Organizational Dynamics, 50, 3.
Seijts, G. H., Wright, T. A., (2020). Why character matters. Organizational Dynamics.
Bhardwaj, R., Seijts, G. H., (2020). Leader character in the boardroom. Organizational Dynamics.
Crossan, M., Côté, S., & Virgin, S. (2020). Elevating leader character alongside competence in selection: A case study of Canada Revenue Agency. Organizational Dynamics.
Crossan M., Furlong, B., Gandz, J. & Seijts, G. (2018). Addressing Culture and its Associated Risks in Financial Institutions: A Character-Infused Approach. Global Risk Institute.
Seijts, G.H., & Gandz, J. (2018). Transformational change and leader character. Business Horizons.
Seijts, G.H., Crossan, M., & Carleton, E. (2017). Embedding leader character into HR practices to achieve sustained excellence. Organizational Dynamics.
Crossan M., Furlong, B., & Gandz, J. (2016). Character's Critical Role in Strengthening Judgment in Financial Institutions. Presented at Northwind’s 2016 Financial Services Invitational Forum, May 2016.
Latham, G.P., Seijts, G.H., Slocum, J., (2016), The goal setting and goal orientation Labyrinth: Effective ways for increasing employee performance. Organizational Dynamics, October-December, 45 (4): 271-277.
Seijts, G. (2016). The three pillars of leadership. Municipal Monitor, 4, 8 – 11.
Seijts, G.H. (2016). The best objective in life is to be a good ancestor: An interview with Tim Hockey. Business Horizons, May/June 59(3): 249 - 255.
Seijts, G. (2016). The rising cost of bad leadership. Ivey Business Journal, Sep/Oct. Reprinted in The Huffington Post, October 13.
Seijts, G. & Watson, T. (2016). Case learning: Selling adultery. Ivey Business Journal, Sep/Oct.
Seijts, G. (2016). Rogue learnings: An interview with Nick Leeson. Ivey Business Journal, Jul/Aug.
Seijts, G. (2016). Why we should thank Enron’s former Chief Financial Officer. The Huffington Post, May 6.
Seijts, G. (2016). Enron explained: An interview with Andrew Fastow. Ivey Business Journal, Mar/Apr.
Seijts, G. (2016). Being Monica: An interview with Monica Lewinsky. Ivey Business Journal, Mar/Apr.
Seijts, G.H., Gandz, J., Crossan, M., & Reno, M. (2015). Character matters: Character dimensions' impact on leader performance and outcomes. Organizational Dynamics, 44(1), 65-74.
Seijts, G., Gandz, J., Byrne, Al, & Crossan, M. (2015) Learning from boardroom perspectives on leader character. Ivey Business Journal, Jan/Feb.
Seijts, G. (2015). 2014 Showed Character Is as Important as Talent. Ivey Business Journal, Jan/Feb.
Seijts, G. (2015). Why Vulnerability Leads to Great Leadership. The Huffington Post, January 23.
Seijts, G. (2015). How do leaders learn to lead? The European Business Review, January – February, 79 - 81.
Seijts, G., Gandz, J., Byrne, A., & Crossan, M. (2015). Finding leader character: The foundation of good governance. Director Journal, 177, 28 - 32.
Seijts, G. (2015). The Leadership Differentiator: Character. J.P. Morgan Private Bank Asia Family Enterprise Study, pp 21-25.
Tripp, E. (2015). How to Restore Public Trust in Banking. Ivey Business Journal, Jan/Feb.
Seijts, G. (2015). Fixing Volkswagen requires manufacturing candid conversations. Ivey Business Journal, Sep/Oct.
Seijts, G. (2015). Volkswagen’s corporate leadership needs re-engineering. The Huffington Post, October 6. Reprinted in Western News, October 15.
Bansal, T., King, M., & Seijts, G. (2015). The Volkswagen emissions scandal: A case study in corporate misbehavior. Globe and Mail, September 26.
Seijts, G. (2015). Why losing Anthopoulos is a major league loss for the Blue Jays. Ivey Business Journal, Sep/Oct. The Huffington Post, October 30. Reprinted in Western News, January 14.
Seijts, G. (2015). The Volkswagen emissions scam and lessons for corporate governance. Director Journal, November – December, 18-19.