Selected Refereed Publications
de Clercy, C., Seijts, G., & Ruiz Pardo, A. (2025). Character, Gender, and Populism: How Female Populist Voters Judge the Character of Political Leaders. Politics and Governance, 13, 9079.
Monzani, L., Ruiz Pardo, A., Bruschetto, S., Ellis, C. & Escartin, J. (2024). Mindfulness, character, and workplace happiness: the moderating role of baseline levels of employee wellbeing. Frontiers in Organizational Psychology, November 17.
Crossan, M., Crossan, C., Newstead, T. & Sturm, R.E. (2024). Developing Leader Character: Find a Way Forward. Academy of Management Learning & Education.
Crossan, M. (2024). Make Character Count in Hiring and Promoting. MIT Sloan Management Review.
Crossan, M., Crossan, C. & Furlong, B. (2024). A Better Leadership Compass. Leader to Leader, 2024(113), 13-18.
Seijts, G.H., Mohan, G., Sosik, J. J., Ruiz Pardo, A. C., & Barath, I. (2024). The Effect of Character on Stress Coping Responses Through Motivation to Lead. Journal of Character and Leadership Development, 11(2), 1-27.
Wright, T.A., Emich, K., Pearce, J.L., Ramoglou, S., Ashkanasy, N., Bartunek, J.M., Kunisch, S., Denyer, D., Foss, N.J., Klein, P.G., Town, S., Hollwitz, J., Barney, C.E., Harms, P., Munyon, T.P., Seijts, G., & Tsang, E. W. (2024). Advocacy and the search for truth in management scholarship: Can the twain ever meet? Journal of Management Inquiry, 33(1), 11 – 25.
Crossan, M. M., Nguyen, B., Vera, D., Sturm, R. E., & Pardo, A. R. (2023). Leader Character in Engineering Projects: A Case Study of Character Activation, Contagion, and Embeddedness. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Crossan, M., Ellis, C., & Crossan, C. (2023). The Role of Physiology, Affect, Behavior and Cognition in Leader Character Activation: A Music Intervention. Journal of Character and Leadership Development, 10(2), 14–41.
Crossan, M. M., Furlong, B., & Austin, R. D. (2022). Make Leader Character Your Competitive Edge. MIT Sloan Management Review.
Mohan, G., Seijts, G. H., & Miller, R. (2022). Does Leader Character Have a Gender? Journal of Business Ethics.
Seijts, G. H., de Clercy, C., & Miller, R. (2022). Character and Trust in Crisis Leadership: Probing the Relationships Among Character, Identification-Based Trust, and Perceptions of Effectiveness in Political Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
Vera, D., & Crossan, M. M. (2022). Character-enabled improvisation and the new normal: A paradox perspective. Management Learning.
Crossan, M., Nguyen, B., Vera, D., Sturm, R., Maurer, C. & Ruiz, A. (2022). Organizational Learning Through Character-based Judgment. Management Learning.
Seijts, G. H., Young Milani, K. (2022). The application of leader character to building cultures of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Business Horizons. Volume 65, Issue 5, September–October 2022, Pages 573-590
Monzani L., Seijts, G. H. & Crossan, M. M. (2021). Character matters: The network structure of leader character and its relation to follower positive outcomes. PLoS ONE 16(9): e0255940.
Monzani, L., Escartín, J., Ceja, L., & Bakker, A. B. (2021). Blending mindfulness practices and character strengths increases employee well‐being: A second‐order meta‐analysis and a follow‐up field experiment. Human Resource Management Journal.
Nguyen, B. & Crossan, M. (2021). Character Infused Ethical Decision Making. Journal of Business Ethics.
Seijts, G. H., de Clercy, C., & Mohan, G. (2021). Trust as a mediator of the relationship between character and perceptions of leader effectiveness during the COVID-19 crisis. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
Seijts, G. H.; Monzani, L.; Woodley, H. J. R.; Mohan, G., (2021), The Effects of Character on the Perceived Stressfulness of Life Events and Subjective Well-Being of Undergraduate Business Students. Journal of Management Education. 53(3), 358-364.
de Clercy, C.; Seijts, G. H.; Nguyen, B., (2021). Do Canadian and American Voters Evaluate Leader Character Similarly? Comparing Voters’ Perceptions of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Justin Trudeau. American Review of Canadian Studies.
Crossan, M., Ellis, C., & Crossan, C. (2021). Towards a Model of Leader Character Development: Insights from Anatomy and Music Therapy. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
Seijts, G. H., Espinoza, J., & Carswell, J. (2020). Utility analysis of character assessment in employee placement. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 41, 703-720.
Seijts, G.H., Young Milani, K. (2020). The myriad ways in which COVID-19 revealed character. Organizational Dynamics.
Seijts, G. H., Wright, T. A., (2020). Why character matters. Organizational Dynamics.
Bhardwaj, R., Seijts, G. H., (2020). Leader character in the boardroom. Organizational Dynamics.
Crossan, M., Côté, S., & Virgin, S. (2020). Elevating leader character alongside competence in selection: A case study of Canada Revenue Agency. Organizational Dynamics.
Seijts, G.H., De Clercy, C. (2020). How do populist voters rate their political leaders? Comparing citizen assessments in three jurisdictions. Politics and Governance.
Seijts, G.H., Byrne, A., Crossan, M. & Gandz, J. (2019). Leader character in board governance. Journal of Management and Governance.
Seijts, G.H., & Gandz, J. (2018). Transformational change and leader character. Business Horizons.
Crossan, M., Byrne, A., Seijts, G., Reno, M., Monzani, L., & Gandz, J. (2017). Toward a framework of leader character in organizations. Journal of Management Studies.
Seijts, G.H., Crossan, M., & Carleton, E. (2017). Embedding leader character into HR practices to achieve sustained excellence. Organizational Dynamics, January-March, 46 (1): 30-39.
Sturm, R.E.; Vera, D.; Crossan, M. (2017). The entanglement of leader character and leader competence and its impact on performance. Leadership Quarterly.
Latham, G.P., Seijts, G.H., Slocum, J., (2016), The goal setting and goal orientation labyrinth: Effective ways for increasing employee performance. Organizational Dynamics, October-December, 45 (4): 271-277.
Seijts, G.H. (2016). The best objective in life is to be a good ancestor: An interview with Tim Hockey. Business Horizons, May/June 59(3): 249 - 255.
Seijts, G.H., Gandz, J., Crossan, M., & Reno, M. (2015). Character matters: Character dimensions' impact on leader performance and outcomes. Organizational Dynamics, 44(1), 65-74.
Crossan, M., Mazutis, D., & Seijts, G.H. (2013). In search of virtue: The role of virtues, values and character strengths in ethical decision making. Journal of Business Ethics, 113, 567 - 581.
Crossan, M., Mazutis, D., Seijts, G.H., & Gandz, J. (2013). Developing leadership character in business programs. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2, 285 – 305.
Selected Books
Seijts, G. & Young Milani, K. (2024). Character: What Contemporary Leaders Can Teach Us about Building a More Just, Prosperous, and Sustainable Future. Toronto, ON: ECW Press.
Crossan, M., Seijts, G., & Furlong, B. (2023). The Character Compass: Transforming Leadership for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing. (Released on October 30th)
Seijts, G. & McMillan, K. (2017). Leadership in practice: Theory and cases in leadership and character. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.
Crossan, M., Seijts, G., Gandz, J. (2016). Developing leadership character. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.
Seijts, G. (2014). Good leaders learn: Lessons from lifetimes of leadership. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.
Gandz, J., Crossan, M., Seijts, G.H., & Stephenson, C. (2010). Leadership on trial: A manifesto for leadership development. London, Ontario: Richard Ivey School of Business.
Selected Book Chapters
Crossan, C. & Crossan, M. (2023). The Practice of Developing Leader Character to Elevate Judgment. In T. P. Newstead & R. E. Riggio (Eds.), Leadership and Virtues: Understanding and Practicing Good Leadership (pp. 106-122). Taylor & Francis.
Crossan, C., Crossan, M., & Ellis, C. (2023). Character and improvisation: A recursive relationship. In MP e Cunha, D Vera, ACM Abrantes, A Miner (Eds.),The Routledge Companion to Improvisation in Organizations (pp. 131-143). Taylor & Francis.
Crossan, M., Seijts, G., & Mazutis, D. (2015). Developing character in business schools. In: A. Sison (Ed.), Handbook of virtue ethics in business and management. Springer Science+Business Media.
Crossan, M. Mazutis, D., Reno M., & Rea, P. (2015). Leadership virtues and character: A perspective in practice. In: A. Sison (Ed.), Handbook of virtue ethics in business management. Springer Science+Business Media.