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MBA · Jenni Denniston

Get the Inside Scoop on Inside Track

Jun 21, 2011

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For anyone who’s started to research our Program, you’ve probably come across the term Inside Track once or twice. We sometimes take it for granted that we know what Inside Track is, but many prospective applicants likely don’t, so I want to take away the mystery for you!

Inside Track is the name of the Ivey MBA Intranet, and creating an account is the best way for you to make sure that you receive the most up-to-date information from us, gives you access to our resume assessment tool and event registration, and most important, the online application and reference templates.
When you first create an account, we ask for specific demographic information, and this helps us target which communications you receive (newsletters, event invitations, MBA Fair info, etc.). We travel around the globe doing information sessions, MBA Fairs and First Class on the Road events, and having an account ensures that you don’t miss out on knowing when we’re going to be in your area. One thing I do want to mention though is that gmail and some hotmail accounts have very strong spam filters, so make sure you make sure your setting will allow for email from us!

If you’re just starting out on your MBA research, I suggest you start with the Resume Assessment tool. Although it’s listed under the heading of Online Application, it is not tied to the app in any way; however, you do receive feedback from my team regarding whether your education and work experience fit with what we’re looking for in applicants to the Program.

The next thing you should do is try to attend an event (or two or three!). For those people just starting to think about an MBA, our How to Choose an MBA sessions provide a high level overview of what you should be thinking about when determining which MBA Programs to apply to. If you’re interested in learning more about the full-time MBA Program or the case method of learning, our Information Sessions and First Class on the Road events, respectively, are what you should be looking to attend. Finally, when you’re know you want to apply, your account on Inside Track gives you access to the online application so that you can start filling out the demographic information and thinking about your answers to the essay questions. We don’t see any information that you input until you click submit, so you can take your time in filling out the application. Tied to this last step, our Admissions Tips and Tricks sessions are what you want to attend in order to help you put together the strongest application you can.

Hope this takes away some of the mystery around Inside Track, and as always, if you have questions, let us know!