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MSc · Smrithi Daniel

Highways and Hallways: Mastering the Commute and the Classroom

Jun 26, 2024

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Commuting from Hamilton to London and back, four days a week (thankfully, Fridays were rare), made for a hectic 8 months as a commuter student. Alarms ringing at 5:00 am for 8:00 am classes, returning home by the evening, and juggling constant coursework, extracurriculars, and a part-time job left little room for breaks. But it's all about finding balance, right?

Many wondered why I chose to drive such a distance daily, what benefits I gained, and how I managed without burning out. All great questions! It was significantly cheaper than renting, and though I often felt the exhaustion from both the academic load and the commute, the experience undeniably strengthened my time management and resilience.

Driving every day meant missing out on some social events, which initially made me worry about making friends and networking opportunities. However, I met my friends during the first week of orientation—in the pizza line, of all places! The environment at Ivey is welcoming, by fostering a closely-knit community where everyone in the MSc program knows each other for the most part. Determined to make the most of my time here, I immersed myself in various activities such as being an MSc Ambassador and the VP of Finance for MSc Women in Management. This ensured that I didn't miss out on the enriching experiences Ivey had to offer.

Mastering the Ivey case learning method in the classroom was initially challenging—hence the need for balance. However, I gained immense value from learning about different companies and strategies, which proved invaluable in real-life situations such as case competitions and interviews. This learning process sparked my interest in staying informed, leading me to listen to news and audiobooks during my drives.

Outside the classroom, especially during Innovation North—a systems thinking case competition where my team placed as a finalist—it was endless hours of listening to audiobooks and YouTube videos during drives, and regular meetings while balancing different courses. My car unknowingly became my workspace. This experience taught me a profound sense of commitment and dedication, and I thrived in that environment, always feeling challenged to do my best. Additionally, the Career Management classes were incredibly beneficial, equipping each student with skills for resume reviews, mock interviews, and preparation for the annual Get Connected event. Despite the commute, I found getting the full Ivey experience manageable.

Ultimately, balancing my academic, extracurricular, and commuting responsibilities was no easy mission. Yet, it was through consistent time management and resilience that I discovered my true potential. The journey taught me the importance of dedication, adaptability, and the incredible strength found in perseverance. Would I do it again? 100%!