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Blogs · Joshua Brown

Canadian startup companies should seek Asian investors

Jan 31, 2017

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Joshua Brown is an EMBA student at Ivey Business School. He is chief representative for Canada at Tractus Asia, an Asia-based business advisory firm, and Canada activities chair at the Canada ASEAN Business Council (CABC).

Canada’s maturing startup technological landscape and venture capital markets make it well positioned to attract sophisticated, Asia-based emerging-technology investors. Canada’s stable financial markets, innovative companies, and status as a world leader in research and development create an appealing environment for Asian investment, in contrast to U.S. counterparts.

Joshua Brown, an Ivey EMBA student, wrote an article for The Globe and Mail encouraging Canadian startup companies to seek partnerships with Asian investors as they become an increasingly important investor group.

“Asian investors are an excellent potential source of capital both for the Canadian venture-fund market and, as direct investors, can offer a valuable lifeline for both early-stage companies facing the risk-capital gap and later-stage companies pursuing growth capital or a liquidity event,” he said. “While [they are] a relatively small part of the Canadian venture-funding economy today, Asian partners will be a critical component of Canada’s continued prosperity in the future.”