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Blogs · Jay Kiew

Finding my voice: A foreign landscape

Jun 5, 2017

Jay Kiew (1)

Ivey is well known for its Case-Method Learning. Instead of passively listening to a professor lecture, students dive into real issues, and make and defend real decisions. One of the requirements for students is meaningful contribution. They're expected to quickly think on their feet and come up with insights that bring new thoughts and ideas to the table.

MBA '18 candidate Jay Kiew had never participated in a case class before his first week at Ivey. He was intimidated at first, and found the learning curve to be incredibly steep. He wrote a blog about meaningful contribution and the three things impromptu contribution has taught him so far at Ivey.

  1. Look for a hook.
  2. Data solidifies your position.
  3. Act first, pivot later.