This workshop will focus on the critical role of non-terrestrial networks (NTN), including various applications of satellite and direct-to-device integration, enhancing network resilience and security, providing new business models, raising new regulatory challenges, and bridging the digital divide.
Building on the success of earlier Ivey Workshops on Broadband Policy and Resilience, Ivey Business School is hosting its third workshop on telecommunications policy on Wednesday, October 16th in downtown Toronto. This workshop will focus on the critical role of non-terrestrial networks (NTN), including various applications of satellite and direct-to-device integration, enhancing network resilience and security, providing new business models, raising new regulatory challenges, and bridging the digital divide. Recently, ISED Canada launched a consultation on mobile coverage and satellite networks, and similar initiatives have been launched in the USA, Australia and the United Kingdom. This event will convene international experts from academia, government, and industry to address pressing questions and solutions.
Topics to be addressed include:
- Emerging geopolitical security and resiliency dimensions
- Space race, legal options and crowding-out
- New business models and network substitutions
- New solutions for digital divide
- Regulatory asymmetries, bottlenecks, roaming and open access
- Extra-territorial impacts of satellite networks
- New spectrum assignment and licensing opportunities
- Resilience reconsidered: GPS, cybersecurity, emergency management
- New opportunities for public-private partnerships and government finance
Join us in Toronto as we share research and global perspectives at a half-day workshop held at Ivey's Donald K. Johnson Centre in downtown Toronto on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
Confirmed Speakers

Andre Arbour
Director General, Telecommunications and Internet Policy, ISED

Michèle Beck
Senior Vice President, Canadian Sales, Telesat

Erik Bohlin
Professor, Ivey Business School, and Ivey Chair in Telecommunication Economics, Policy and Regulation

Martin Doczkat
Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission

Imran Khan
Chief Financial Officer and VP, Corporate Services, Northwestel

Rob McMahon
Associate Professor, Media & Technology Studies, University of Alberta

Phil Moore
Vice President, Corporate Real Estate and Emergency Response, TELUS

Romel Mostafa
Director, Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management, Ivey Business School

Sohayla Praysner
Independent Advisor

Adam Scott
Vice Chair, CRTC

To read about the Spring 2024 Workshop, please visit this page.
To read about the Fall 2023 Workshop, please visit this page.
This event is funded in part by the Ivey Chair in Telecommunication Economics, Policy and Regulation, as well as the Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management at the Ivey Business School.