Here are this month's highlights of Ivey faculty sharing their expertise with the media. Check our News & Events website for the latest Ivey news, videos, and blogs all month long.
Canada's new marijuana laws must attend to business
December 2, 2015
Professor David Sparling, Chair of Agri-Food Innovation and Regulation at Ivey, spoke with CBC News about the international opportunity and explosive industry growth that marijuana legalization represents for Canada.
The rhetoric on climate change leadership needs to change
December 3, 2015
Professor Paul Boothe let the data speak for itself in his op-ed for Maclean’s concerning where Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions per capita fits in on a global scale.
Oil’s decline not only hurting western provinces
December 4, 2015
In an interview with Yahoo News, Assistant Professor Brandon Schaufele addressed how falling oil prices have had a negative impact nationwide.
London-St. Thomas unemployment rate dropped for second month in a row
December 4, 2015
In an interview with the London Free Press, Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt discussed the recent drop in London's unemployment rate last month.
Behind the scenes with Canada’s lead climate conference negotiator
December 4, 2015
Professor Paul Boothe, former deputy minister of Environment Canada, spoke with Maclean’s about the incredible work ethic of his former employee Louise Métivier, Canada’s Chief Negotiator for Climate Change and Assistant Deputy Minister for Environment Canada.
Seven metrics that show the U.S. stock market is overvalued
December 7, 2015
In his op-ed for The Globe and Mail, Professor George Athanassakos discussed the overvaluation of the stock market and indicators of a market bubble.
How MBA schools are trying to teach character, not just skills
December 9, 2015
Professors Mary Crossan and Gerard Seijts spoke with Canadian Business about the strides being made in developing leader character and some of the unique tactics being used in their classrooms.
Is there a US stock market bubble?
December 9, 2015
Professor George Athanassakos’ piece for Canadian Investment Review broke down the seven signs that a stock market bubble is present.
Liberal deficits could hit $25 billion and still honour their ‘fiscal anchor’
December 14, 2015
Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt spoke with The Canadian Press concerning the Liberals’ new fiscal target of up to $25 billion.
Holiday marketing: Brands see dollar signs in emotional, online content
December 16, 2015
Assistant Professor Dante Pirouz spoke with CBC News about the financial pressures and potential big payoffs of implementing online marketing campaigns.
Time to shift from survival to excelling
December 17, 2015
In a look at what the next year could hold for the manufacturing industry, PLANT Magazine pulled from research done by Ivey’s Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management on the success factors of manufacturing growth.
Are you ready for an MBA? Credential seekers need not apply
December 17, 2015
For her first blog in a series for The Huffington Post, Sharon Irwin-Foulon, Executive Director of Career Management and Corporate Recruiting at Ivey, shared her key components for applicants answering the question: Why do you want an MBA?
Loonie Plummets to 11-Year Low
December 17, 2015
Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt spoke on the Craig Needles Show (AM 980) to discuss the continuing decline of the Canadian dollar.
International experience gives executives and companies an edge
December 21, 2015
In a Financial Post piece on the benefits of internationally minded CFOs, Assistant Professor Andreas Schotter said Canadian CFOs have a leg up when it comes to working abroad because of an “eclectic mindset” that’s more tolerant of international culture.
The case for letting teams elect their own managers
December 22, 2015
Assistant Professor Kenneth Goh discussed with Canadian Business his outlook for companies that take on the workplace democracy model.
Dire manufacturing sector data renews calls for national auto strategy
December 27, 2015
Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt weighed in on the need for the government to implement a new strategy for Canada’s auto industry, in a piece for the Windsor Star.
Release your economic 'animal spirits' in 2016
December 29, 2015
CBC News looked at the potential comeback for Canadian exports in 2016, but recovering from the 15-year decline of the manufacturing industry will prove to be a challenge, said Professor Paul Boothe.