Here are this month's highlights of Ivey faculty sharing their expertise with the media. Check our News & Events website for the latest Ivey news, videos, and blogs all month long.
Dr. George Athanassakos
August issue, 2015
The University of Auckland Investment Club’s Bulletin interviewed Professor George Athanassakos about his value investing course at Ivey’s Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing (see p. 20 for article).
Why value investors have the edge in the short term
August 4, 2015
For his op-ed featured in The Globe and Mail, Professor George Athanassakos posed the question: Are markets efficient? It all comes down to perspective.
Harper promises to introduce permanent home renovation tax credit if he is re-elected
August 4, 2015
In a political piece for the National Post, Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt looked at some of the issues and implications surrounding Stephen Harper’s proposed plan to implement a permanent home renovation tax credit.
How all the campaigning parties say they’ll boost jobs
August 4, 2015
Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt provided his expert opinion for Canadian Business on how political parties should tackle a sputtering economy during the election campaign.
Labour of love now just labour for concert-listings guys
August 5, 2015
The Globe and Mail turned to Assistant Professor Larry Plummer to weigh in on how the music-savvy co-creators of the concert listings site, Just Shows, can make enough money to better sustain the business.
Low loonie, low oil prices good for southwestern Ontario, expert says
August 6, 2015
Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt spoke with CBC News about the benefits of a low dollar for the Canadian economy.
"The Brand Flip," Long-awaited Sequel to "The Brand Gap," Now Available
August 6, 2015
Professor Niraj Dawar provided a recommendation for American author Marty Neumeier's new book, The Brand Flip, featured in
Feds have long way to go to implement 2008 Competition Policy Review Panel recommendations, say foreign ownership experts
August 10, 2015
Professor Paul Boothe spoke with The Hill Times regarding the government’s flaws in implementing the recommendations of the 2008 Competition Review Panel.
USD/CAD Fundamental Analysis – August 11, 2015 – Forecast
August 11, 2015
FX Empire provided a currency report on the Canadian and U.S. dollar, citing Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt’s interview with CBC Radio on the impact of Canada’s low dollar.
Lycos, the faded Internet star, takes another shot at stardom
August 11, 2015
Lycos, a search engine developed in 1994, is trying to reinvent itself with the launch of two wearable devices – a wristband and a ring. Professor Niraj Dawar told Live Mint that rebranding Lycos could be a hard sell.
Loblaw brings online food shopping to London
August 14, 2015
Professor David Sparling, Chair of Agri-Food Innovation and Regulation, spoke with the London Free Press about the benefits that Loblaws’ online grocery shopping program Click and Collect will bring to both customers and employees.
Four quadrants of marketing to probe the consumer mind
August 16, 2015
The Globe and Mail featured Professor Niraj Dawar and Charan Bagga, PhD ’15 and visiting assistant professor at Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business, who have created a new way of mapping brands based on how central or distinctive they are in their product or service category.
Would the NDP’s minimum wage plan really help 100,000 workers?
August 17, 2015
Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt exposed the flaws in the NDP’s plan to implement a $15 minimum wage for workers in federally regulated industries by breaking down the real numbers in his op-ed for Canadian Business.
A defence of active investing
August 17, 2015
In Money Sense’s piece on value investing, Professor George Athanassakos weighed in, recommending that investors figure out the intrinsic value and buy when cheap, sell when expensive.
How established companies can think like startups again
August 18, 2015
Canadian Business turned to experts in the entrepreneurial field, including Associate Professor Rob Mitchell, for their advice to companies looking to ignite an innovative spirit among employees.
Why we fetishize tech companies
August 19, 2015
Assistant Professor Cara Maurer spoke with Yahoo News to illustrate society’s tendency to turn the other cheek to what really goes on behind the scenes at large corporations like
Why the Fed will hike rates while inflation remains stagnant
August 19, 2015
In his op-ed for The Globe and Mail, Professor George Athanassakos looks at some of the reasons why interest rates are about to go up when there is no inflation.
Southwestern Ontario isn’t as quick to try out the new 'sharing economy'
August 25, 2015
Assistant Professor JP Vergne told The London Free Press the regional differences regarding sharing economies can be explained by demographic and population density.
When brands and their spokespeople are inseparable
August 27, 2015
Lecturer Mary Weil spoke with Yahoo News about how spokespeople have a tendency to become tethered to a brand’s image regarding former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle.
Stephen Harper: Economic genius or flop?
August 28, 2015
Regarding the upcoming election, Professor Paul Boothe discussed some of the economic concerns with Canada under a Conservative government in a piece for The Globe and Mail.
Tuesday’s GDP release will reveal if Canada is in a recession—sort of
August 28, 2015
In his op-ed for Canadian Business, Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt explained why the recession dispute of 2015 might continue for some time.
Here’s how big the federal deficit might get
August 31, 2015
Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt wrote an op-ed for Canadian Business where he broke down the GDP surplus forecasts in Budget 2015 to help determine the significance of a federal deficit.
Stephen Harper avoids recession label on eve of GDP numbers
August 31, 2015 quoted Assistant Professor Mike Moffatt on why it matters little if the economy grows by a tenth of a per cent in the second quarter or shrinks by a tenth of a per cent.