Here are October's highlights of Ivey faculty sharing their expertise with the media. Check our News & Events website for the latest Ivey news, videos, and blogs.
Beware the weakest link
Oct 10
Rob Klassen explains why its important boards understand their company’s supply chain and critical issues within their industry.
How marketing changes when shopping is automated
Oct 10
In a piece for Harvard Business Review, Niraj Dawar takes a futuristic look at how marketing will adapt and change when machines begin to shop for consumers.
Six hour work day boosts productivity, worker satisfaction
Oct 12
Workplace productivity expert Chris Higgins talks about Swedish findings around a six hour work day in an article in the Globe and Mail.
The rising cost of bad leadership
Oct 13
In an op-ed for the Huffington Post, Gerard Seijts explains poor leadership character can lead to very expensive mistakes.
Fortis Inc.: A North American giant still loyal to its Newfoundland roots
Oct 16
In an interview with the Canadian Press, strategy expert Glenn Rowe speaks to the success of Fortis Inc., a firm who was just listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Mall in north London needs council backing to transform space into entertainment centre
Oct 16
Professor emeritus of marketing Ken Hardy spoke to the London Free Press about the challenges facing local government when it comes to funding city or suburban shopping projects.
Invisor fights for market share in growing robo field
Oct 17
In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Chuck Grace discusses how new robo-advisor firms struggle to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.
Why Canadian Club is cheaper in America
Oct 17
Mike Moffatt speaks to the Ottawa Citizen about why certain products are more expensive in Canada when compared to the United States.
Gord Nixon named Ivey Business Leader of the year
Oct 18
Ivey Business Leader of the year, Gord Nixon, discusses the current state of the Canadian economy during a noon time interview with BNN.
Federal Liberals get plenty of advice – and political cover – with extensive budget consultations
Oct 20
In a piece in the National Post, Mike Moffatt explains the impact of the federal budget consultation process.
The value investor’s strategy for choosing the right stocks
Oct 21
In an op-ed for the Globe and Mail, George Athanassakos breaks down the three guiding principles value investors follow.
Cineplex wins ACIIS annual stock pitch competition
Oct 23
In the Globe and Mail Ivey Business School graduates are mentioned favourably in reference to the Association of Canadian Intercollegiate Investment Clubs annual stock pitch competition.
How $100B of “free money” could transform tech
Oct 24
Andreas Schotter speaks about the potential impact a massive venture capital partnership involving the Saudi Arabian government and Japan’s SoftBank could have on future technology development.
Ivey’s MBA program ranks in top 100 worldwide
Oct 24
The Western Gazette features Ivey’s top 100 placement in the Economist’s recent world MBA school rankings.
BC farmers learned to live with a carbon tax
Oct 24
Economist Brandon Schaufele is interviewed by Alberta Express discussing the how farmers may or may not be impacted by carbon taxes.
PBO says government has financial room to manoeuvre, economic update on top this week
Oct 31
Mike Moffatt speaks to the Hill Times how he expects Canada’s fiscal plan to stay the course leading up to an upcoming economic update.