Canadian companies flock to Arizona – here’s why
May 27
Andreas Schotter explains why Canadians firms would consider Arizona an attractive place to open up shop for the Arizona Republic (left out of May edition in error).
Urban aquaponics farm offers glimpse into the future of fresh food
June 1
In the Globe and Mail’s Challenge series Frank Li offers advice to a growing aquaculture firm on how to compensate its volunteer employees.
The right way to use summer interns
June 1
Sharon-Irwin Foulon explains to Benefits Canada how summer interns should be deployed properly in their firms
Fairfax CEO honoured Wednesday as distinguished entrepreneur
June 7
The Winnipeg Free Press profiles Ivey alum Prem Watsa after receiving the International Distinguished Entrepreneur Award.
Are buyouts the new IPOs?
June 10
For the publication The Deal Room, Steve Foerster explains the IPO market tends to run in cycles of hot and cold.
Plenty of Canadian content in Nascar
June 10
The Windsor Star looks at a number of Canadians making a name for themselves in the world of Nascar, including Ivey alum Gene Stephanyshyn.
Why big banks aim to adapt not eliminate branches
June 12
The Globe and Mail discusses the future of banking in Canada and refers to Ivey’s new innovative partnership with Scotiabank.
Probing two myths about the market
June 12
In his op-ed piece for the Globe and Mail George Athanassakos debunks the commonly held myths that active portfolio managers underperform passive portfolios and that higher interest rates always lead to lower stock prices.
McDougall: Build bridges to those around you
June 14
Western News recognizes Ivey alum Don McDougall’s receipt of an honorary degree.
Ivey MBA's Belgrade mission is as much about learning as teaching
June 15
Recent MBA grad Cynthia Innes writes for the Globe and Mail about her experience taking part in Ivey’s LEADER project in Belgrade.
Why kicking me out of the country would be bad for Canada’s economy
June 15
In Maclean’s Mike Moffatt explains how Canada has a shortage of 20-somethings contributing in all sectors of the economy.
The ingredients behind Canada’s overlooked manufacturing boom
June 16
Writing for Maclean’s Paul Boothe and Erin Cheney look at the recipes for food manufacturing success in Canada and how to best attract new firms.
Canada PM pushes work-life balance, cabinet too busy to listen
June 16
Chris Higgins comments for Reuters on their piece on work-life balance of Canadian politicians, including Prime Minister Trudeau.
Mandatory paternity leave is an investment in career and family
June 17
Mike Moffatt’s thoughts on the importance and value of paternity leave were explored in a recent piece in the Huffington Post.
You could be investing in marijuana before you can buy it
June 17
In Yahoo Finance Wayne Adlam explains how you may be able to invest in marijuana companies even before it's legal to sell it in Canada.
Government appetizer draws food companies
June 17
Erin Cheney explains the importance of foreign investment attraction programs in the agri-food sector for the London Free Press.
Growing uncertainty rocks global markets
June 18
In the lead-up to the Brexit Andreas Schotter spoke with the Toronto Star in a piece which looked at the uncertainty the vote could create for the global economy.
Taking Canada’s foreign direct investment pitch to the next level
June 20
In an op-ed for Maclean’s Paul Boothe and David Moloney explain how Canada can improve its ability to attract foreign direct investment for the manufacturing sector.
Young entrepreneurs relaunching space sharing website after real estate regulator forced them to shut down first attempt
June 21
Andreas Schotter provides insight on new sharing economy businesses for the London Free Press.
Stephenson: It takes courage to keep going
June 21
Former Ivey dean Carol Stephenson receives an honorary degree from Western and is recognized and celebrated in Western News.
Yes you can learn to be a better leader
June 21
The Globe and Mail briefly profiled the book Developing Leadership Character by Ivey professors Mary Crossan, Gerard Seijts and Jeffrey Gandz.
Revived canoe maker looks to dip oars in U.S. market
June 22
In a Globe and Mail Challenge piece Fraser Johnson looks at ways a local canoe maker can expand into the U.S. market.
Home away from home: Doing business in The Bahamas
June 23
In an article for the Ontario Bar Association current HBA/LLB student Chris Balkos explores the opportunities The Bahamas can offer Canadian financial services companies.
A five-hour workday is not just possible, but profitable
June 24
Ivey Business Journal editor Thomas Watson writes in the Huffington Post about a company that is promoting a five-hour workday.
Brexit leaves free trade deal with EU in limbo
June 24
Andreas Schotter talks to the Toronto Star on Canada’s track record for slow trade negotiations in a piece reflecting on CETA post-Brexit.
Local job market less volatile but not pumped
June 28
In the London Free Press Mike Moffatt explains the latest Stats Canada job figures and what they mean for southwestern Ontario.
The nuances of foreign direct investment
June 29
The Globe and Mail profiled David Moloney’s research on the state and impact of foreign direct investment in Canada.