When it comes to closing a deal online, even the small details, like font styles or colour, can make a difference.
That’s because consumers rely more on intuition than deliberation before purchasing online.
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In their article in Harvard Business Review, Associate Professor Derrick Neufeld and Mahdi Roghanizad, an assistant professor at Western University’s Huron University College, explain why the digital experience matters for building the trust needed to convert online browsers to purchasers.
They outline how results of a lab experiment proved intuitive reasoning is a critical component of trust in online purchases.
“Understanding that online consumers do not always engage in deliberative processes, but often rely on intuition — especially when making higher-risk decisions — has profound implications for redesigning online consumer experiences,” they write. “‘Simple’ changes (such as page layouts and choices of fonts, images, and colours) may be far more critical to associative trust-formation processes than we previously understood.”