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Webinar: Christine Magee's unconventional approach to merchandising, advertising & customer experience

Feb 14, 2014

Magee -Webinar

Christine Magee and Professor Eric Morse

Christine Magee is more than just the head of Sleep Country Canada, she is also the face of the brand she launched in 1994 with her business partners, Stephen Gunn and Gordon Lownds. One of Canada’s most successful female entrepreneurs, she helped grow the company from four stores in British Columbia to the market’s dominant retailer with more than 246 stores in 17 regions today. Discover the secret of her success and how she set Sleep Country Canada apart from the competition by taking an unconventional approach to merchandising, advertising and customer service and experience.

This interactive interview-format discussion, moderated by Eric Morse, will cover how to take a bright new entrepreneurial idea to a whole new level of success.

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