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News@Ivey · Mara Armitage

Guiding entrepreneurs in North Macedonia: The Ivey LEADER Project

Jul 3, 2024

Macedonia LEADER

LEADERites with program participants and site partner representatives after a pitching competition in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Mara Armitage is an HBA ’25 candidate and member of the marketing and communications team for the Ivey LEADER Project – a student-led association offering an international economic development program. On her recent expedition to North Macedonia, she worked with four other Ivey students, referred to as LEADERites, to coach aspiring and existing entrepreneurs on how to launch or grow their ventures. In her blog below, she recounts her journey of personal and professional growth.

On April 13th, 2024, I landed in Skopje, North Macedonia. I wasn’t sure what would come of the next two weeks; however, I can confidently say this experience exceeded every expectation I had.

Since the LEADER Project’s inception in 1991, the association has established a comprehensive two-week program using Ivey’s case method. The program aims to provide business leaders and entrepreneurs in foreign countries with the analytical tools and decision-making skills required to tackle complex business challenges. Currently, the LEADER Project has site partners in North Macedonia, Serbia, Vietnam, Nepal, Indian, and Uzbekistan.

Embracing the challenge ahead

In January, I learned I would be traveling to North Macedonia and felt thrilled after hearing amazing feedback from the LEADERites who had travelled there in the past. However, I stepped into the classroom with some reservations and tempered expectations.

An important element of the program, beyond our daily lectures and case discussions, is one-on-one coaching. As instructors, we are responsible for having individual conversations with students before or after class each day to discuss their entrepreneurial venture, any problems they may be facing, and serve as a sounding board for the students to utilize during their time in the program.

As an HBA1, I was worried I would lack the relevant professional experience necessary to be an impactful coach for entrepreneurs who were likely more than 10 years older than me. Considering the students had taken time away from their jobs and lives to focus on their passions and goals, I knew that I needed to ensure my teaching and coaching was genuinely impactful.

Teaching in North Macedonia 

On the third day of our trip, I had a daunting task ahead of me; I was responsible for teaching the entire days’ worth of content. Although nervous, I knew I was ready thanks to my personal preparation and the training that all LEADERites participate in prior to travelling.

Throughout the day, I was thrilled to see the students begin to engage with the content. They continuously participated, asked questions, shared insights, and even engaged in healthy debates with each other. It was particularly rewarding to see the students use the insights and advice discussed in class and through coaching in their final business plan presentations at the end of the program.

Outside of teaching, my entire team was able to connect with our students on a personal level. We often had lunch together outside of class where we had the opportunity to have insightful discussions and eat traditional Macedonian food – my personal favourite was Ajvar, a roasted red pepper dip.

Our students were also dedicated to ensuring that we learned just as much from them as they did from us. They constantly went out of their way to have lively conversations about politics, the economy, and their lives and businesses, all while serving as our personal tour guides – they even made us an itinerary for our weekend trip to Ohrid!

Moving forward with lasting connections

Participating in the LEADER Project has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Travelling within Macedonia to Skopje, Ohrid, Saint Naum, and the Matka Canyon has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in the country’s unique culture, language, history, and entrepreneurial spirit.

The connections I’ve made during this trip, from our amazing site partner, Macedonia 2025, to the phenomenal students, and the outstanding team of LEADERites and alumni volunteers I travelled with and taught alongside, have been the most valuable part of my experience. This is something that isn’t unique to one country, or one site team, but something every LEADERite takes with them for the rest of their life.

Through this experience, I was able to regain confidence in myself and my insights – a mentality that will remain during my HBA2 year and into my career. I will carry the connections, lessons, and memories I made in Skopje for the rest of my life, and I look forward to continuing to work with LEADER for the 2024/25 year.

View photos from the trip below.