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Embrace the possibilities: Kyle MacDonald to graduates

Jun 24, 2024

Kyle MacDonald

Kyle MacDonald, HBA ’82, speaking to HBA graduates at convocation.

As Ivey’s newly minted graduates embark out into the world to fulfil their purpose, Kyle MacDonald, HBA ’82, encourages them to be open to all of the possibilities life might bring.

She should know. MacDonald says her purpose while at Ivey was to apply her business skills in the nursing home industry, but it wasn’t meant to be. At that time, the industry was focused on acquiring nurses and doctors, not businesspeople. Although disappointed, MacDonald says this pivotal moment forged in her a lifelong embrace of possibilities, which eventually led her to become a trailblazing entrepreneur. 

MacDonald, founder of Phoenix Interactive Design Inc., a company that created the software that supports automated teller machines (ATMs), shared highlights of her career journey while addressing HBA graduates at Western University’s convocation ceremony on June 20, where she received an honorary degree. The honour acknowledged her visionary business leadership and philanthropic efforts supporting education, veterans, and health care.

Finding her calling

MacDonald discussed the many possibilities she embraced that led her to found Phoenix. One was going into sales at a small tech company in London, Ontario, even though she couldn’t see herself doing that, and then discovering it was a strength. Another was using her knowledge of financial services to sell emerging technology, which opened an unforeseen market for the company she worked for. Next, and most important, was leaving that company to found Phoenix even though, in those days, few women started companies, especially not in the tech sector.

Many more possibilities came after MacDonald launched Phoenix, including the company’s rise from being a successful North American company to its dominance on the international stage. But the journey wasn’t easy, and MacDonald told how she had to live at the airport, bet the farm, and break the glass ceiling to seek those possibilities.

“It was a daunting, daunting task – but so were the possibilities … it led me to one of my favourite mottos that has stayed with me all these years: world domination is a full-time job,” she said. “I encourage you all to remain open to life’s possibilities. We all start out, as you will be, with our purpose, our passions, but the road can take us in different directions. I believe it’s critical to stay open and alert for taking that right turn when you’ve been taking the left turn all along.”

Persuasion: the key to influence

Noting that one of the most important skills the graduates gained during their time at Ivey is the art of persuasion, MacDonald encouraged them to hone that art throughout their careers.

“Selling a product, selling a service, selling your ideas … and ultimately realizing your passion is the most fundamental skillset that can propel you to success in business,” she said. “If you dream big, stay mindful of the art of possibilities, and perfect the art of persuasion, you will conquer all of the adversity that the world will throw at you.”