The program officially starts at the beginning of September. Generally, students complete all program and discipline course requirements in the first two years. In the summer of their second year, students complete the comprehensive exam; at the end of their third year, students complete their thesis proposal and after that, students focus on their thesis research and final defense (see Program Milestones section below for more details).
Program Course Requirements
Discipline Course Requirements
Below are the course requirements of the respective disciplines. If further development is identified in any area, students may be required to take additional courses as requested by the student’s supervisor or the faculty discipline coordinator.
Applies to students in the disciplines of Business, Economics and Public Policy, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Strategy and Sustainability
- Bus 9832 Information Systems I
- Four of the following courses:
- Electives:
- Bus 9802 MS: Applications of Optimization
- Bus 9812 MS: Applications of Stochastic Modeling
- Bus 9872 MS: Applications of Decision Theory
- Bus 9882 MS: Applications of Statistical Analysis
- Bus 9805 Operations I
- Bus 9815 Operations II
- Bus 9043 Big Data Analytics (offered by Ivey's MSc program)
- Bus 9044 Simulation and Risk Analysis (offered by Ivey's MSc program)
- Econ 9601 Microeconomics I
- Econ 9602 Microeconomics II
- Econ 9607 Economic Mathematics I
- Bus 9805 Operations I
- Bus 9815 Operations II
- Bus 9802 MS: Applications of Optimization
- Bus 9812 MS: Applications of Stochastic Modeling
- Electives:
- Bus 9826 Organizational Theory
- Bus 9774 Sustainability & Bus 9776 Grand Challenges
- BUS 9861 Inequality, Diversity, and Business
- Bus 9824 Experimental Design
- Psy 9540 Research Design and Stat Modeling
- Psy 9542 Multilevel Modeling
- Psy 9555 Structural Equation Modeling
- Econ 9601 Microeconomics I
- Econ 9602 Microeconomics II
- Graduate-level courses approved by the program
Program Milestones
- First Summer Research Paper (applies to Direct Entry Admissions only)
- Statistics Checklist
- Academic Integrity
- Human Ethics Training
- PhD Student Research Presentations
- Qualifying Exam Year 1 (MK, MS, OM)
- Research Proposal Year 1 (MK)
- Teaching Requirement
- Comprehensive Exam Year 2
- Research Paper & Oral Exam - Completed by September of Year 3 (GM)
- Thesis Proposal Exam
- Thesis Defense