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Ehsan Kehtari


Management Science


  • Greg Zaric

Ehsan is a Management Science PhD student at the Ivey Business School. He was born in Tehran, Iran and recently graduated with a BSc Degree in Industrial Engineering from Sharif University of Technology. He is passionate about learning, teaching, and conducting research, especially when it comes to healthcare management under uncertainty, for which he explores machine learning techniques, or reinforcement learning to be more specific.

  • BSc. in Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2019-2023

Research Interests

  • Healthcare Management
  • Machine Learning; Reinforcement Learning
  • Operations Research & Optimization
  • Discrete-Event Simulation

Professional Experience

  • Teaching assistant, Operations Research, Sharif University of Technology, February 2023-June 2023
  • Teaching assistant, Product Planning and Development, Sharif University of Technology, February 2023-June 2023
  • Teaching assistant, Information Technology, Sharif University of Technology, February 2023-June 2023
  • Teaching assistant, Operations Research, Sharif University of Technology, September 2022-January 2023 
  • Teaching assistant, Quality Control, Sharif University of Technology, September 2022-January 2023
  • Teaching assistant, Project Control, Sharif University of Technology, September 2022-January 2023


(anticipated completion 2029)

Ivey Business School

Ehsan Kehtari

​Ehsan  ​ Kehtari

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