On June 2nd, Tima Bansal of Ivey Business School hosted the New Ways of Seeing Workshop. The workshop was a 1.5 day event and included presentations by AMJ’s editorial team as well as presentations and roundtable discussions from participants. This event was sponsored by the Ivey Business School, Western University.
The purpose of the workshop was to develop papers and ideas that could later be submitted for review in AMJ’s Special Research Forum (SRF) on “NEW WAYS OF SEEING: Using Novel Theory and Meaningful Cross-disciplinary Collaborations to Advance Management Research.”
About the Special Research Forum: This Special Research Forum (SRF) encourages “new ways of seeing.” This theme challenges our community of researchers, and beyond, to consider fresh, novel, and different theoretical positions, assumptions, and frameworks that expose new phenomena or permit new ways of seeing well-research phenomena. In addition, new ways of seeing provides an impetus to engage in meaningful, ground-breaking partnerships with researchers in other disciplines—using, building, or extending conceptual frameworks, research designs, and analytic techniques rooted in disciplines outside of the management domain to advance our understanding of management issues. Although we encourage novelty in theorizing and methods, we will upholdAMJ’s standards of logical and empirical rigor. The full Call for Papers can be found here:
Workshop organizers:
- Jason D. Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Pratima (Tima) Bansal, Deputy Editor, Western University
- Srikanth Paruchuri, Associate Editor, Pennsylvania State University
- Brian Connelly, Associate Editor, Auburn University