Scheller College of Business, Georgia Tech
When do Appointments of Corporate Sustainability Executives affect Shareholder Value?
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
We’re not like those crazy hippies: the emergence of an occupational group from a social movement
Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Organization Theorizing for Sustainability: Un-Making People and Nature Exploitable
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Coming Clean: How an Interorganizational Social Movement Network Creates National Clean Cookstove and Fuel Markets
Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
Deciphering the Institutional Arrangement: Towards a Framework for Constructive Engagement in the Primary Sector
Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Compare, or else contrast: A behavioral approach to corporate environmental behavior
New York University
Business strategy and political outcomes: The impact of the Citizens United decision on the US states.
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Sleeping with the Enemy: Target Selection in Cooperative Private Politics.
Ecole des Ponts Business School
The dominant factors driving social sustainability performance of global supply chain: An exploratory study using machine learning approach
Copenhagen Business School
Access to Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds
Corporate perceptions of biodiversity: institutional context, stakeholders, and the transfer of ecological knowledge
University of New Hampshire
“Changing the System While Leading an Organization”: Multilevel Opportunity Processes and Hybrid Organization-Field Logics
Aalto University School of Business
A social bricolage approach to scaling innovations of the grassroots entrepreneur in resource-scarce environments
University of Toronto
Do Gains from Corporate Social Responsibility Vary by Context? A Comparative Study of the Moderating Effects of Corporate Governance Systems