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I'm an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship & Sustainability at Ivey Business School. My work focuses on inequities and explores how (social) innovations/enterprises can improve livelihoods, and how entrepreneurial ecosystems can be created to be more inclusive. 
I have over 15 years of experience working in and with social enterprises/entrepreneurs and in the entrepreneurial ecosystem space, and conducting research that examines gender lens impact investing, women economic empowerment initiatives, entrepreneurship in Eastern/Southern Africa, and solutions to improve climate resilience among vulnerable communities. I have worked at the Business Development Bank of Canada, at a venture capital firm in South Africa, was involved in Harvard's Entrepreneurial Finance Lab intervention, and while at the University of Oxford, I was part of formative efforts to draw together women economic empowerment initiatives.
As a transformative consumer research scholar and former Associate Professor of Marketing at Bentley University (USA), I view social innovations/enterprises, including work being done in the impact investment space, as key mechanisms with which to address intersectional injustices and to achieve the sustainable development goals.

Laurel Steinfield

Laurel Steinfield

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