Kathleen Wang is fourth year student who has completed her Political Science degree and is currently in the Ivey HBA program at Western University. Kathleen is interested in pursuing a career in law. She discovered her passion for law through working at a boutique law firm in Toronto for two summers. She is heavily involved with the Ivey LEADER Project, teaching and helping entrepreneurs develop their business ideas and/or social initiatives. She enjoys creating platforms for students to network and learn about different disciplines through organizing conferences such as the Global China Connection Canadian Conference 2013.
Additional Information
Personal Definition of Sustainability
I personally define sustainability as pro-active and on-going actions taken to meet the needs of individuals and communities without compromising the future generations. Sustainability can be viewed under different lenses. I would like to think that corporate social responsibility stems from sustainability, where corporations are taking action to address the needs of the communities they impact. Sustainable development needs to be the foundation of many ideas and interests as it is one of the ways to adapt to changing societal, technological, and economical needs.
I was involved in a project for a course, which focused on civil society's responses to address food security issues, specifically the famine in Somalia. It also served as a resource for students and the community to learn more about famine, NGOs, and IGOs. I was part of the Media Team and created a website: http://tgalforum.wordpress.com and worked with the Somali community to raise money and learn about their experience here in Canada. I also worked with a professor in the Geography department with her research on the health care system in Ghana.
I am currently part of the Ivey LEADER Project and I will be travelling to Ghana this summer to teach and help entrepreneurs develop their business skills so that they can successfully implement a sustainable business idea or social initiative. I will be blogging about my experience in Ghana and interviewing business leaders in the community. I want to continue to research the impact of the UN Development Program and how communities that are part of the program can sustain their projects once the program ends in 2015.