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My name is Angela, and for a long time, I have been interested in sustainable practices. With a goal of integrating my current knowledge of business with sustainability, I am enthusiastic about going into consulting to help businesses implement environmentally conscious procedures. My goal is to make a positive impact on campus life through creative solutions and educational initiatives. As someone who is dedicated to lifelong learning, I want to learn more about social and economic trends within the field to promote innovative thinking and finding feasible solutions.

What is your personal definition of sustainability? 

To me, sustainability means choosing a path that meets our needs today without stealing from tomorrow. It’s about fine-tuning our habits to be more efficient and resourceful, ensuring we don’t burn through our planet’s gifts. I see it as our duty to craft solutions that futureproof the success of businesses, and the environment. Fostering a change that transcends self-interest, as we begin to think about the atmospheres around us, and for generations after us. It’s a commitment to balancing social, economic, and technological factors to preserve resources and not overtax the plant.

What role do you see sustainability playing in your professional career?

Since I want to go into consulting and marketing, I envision helping organizations to not only streamline processes and increase efficiency, but also integrate sustainable practices into their strategic plans. By aligning profitability with environmental stewardship, I aim to show that strategy and consumer perception extends beyond the core services a company provides. In my consulting trajectory, I see sustainability as a driving force for innovation and strategic development. I plan to delve into the workings of various industries to identify how they can enhance their practices, making them more sustainable and efficient. My goal is to become a catalyst for change, advocating for practices that not only boost the bottom line but also contribute positively to the environment and society. Through this, I hope to guide companies towards a more conscientious and resource-smart way of operating that's future-ready and responsible.

What sustainability projects have you been engaged in?

As the Vice-President of Events at Western Environmental Business, I lead a team of four directors to successfully execute career development events related with sustainability and the dynamic corporate world. I strive to provide students with career-building opportunities and knowledge about the intersectionality between businesses and sustainable practices. More recently, I had the opportunity to host a sustainability case competition, in collaboration with UNICEF Western, where we had over 80 student participants and 14 teams. Our judge panel consisted of business professionals in various industries related to sustainability, including one judge who came from Toronto’s BMO to talk about sustainable finance. My team with UNICEF’s education team researched and wrote a business case around fast-fashion for the competition. Our participating teams were assigned the task to present innovative solutions to help solve H&M’s business model. Outside of this, me and my team have also hosted a sustainability business panel, with guest speakers to help educate our club members about the different paths in the field.

Angela Huang

Angela Huang

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