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My name is Felix, and I am currently pursuing an Honours Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Honours Business Administration. The dual degree will hopefully allow me to create impactful solutions at the intersection of healthcare and business, while also incorporating sustainability. I am most passionate about sustainable healthcare, sustainable agriculture (including reducing food waste), and anticonsumerism.

What is your personal definition of sustainability? 

I define sustainability as the level to which an action can be repeated ad infinitum. I find my personal definition is similar to the Indigenous concept of “one dish, one spoon,” where people should take only what they need, remaining mindful of the needs of others, and only to the extent that the resources are able to replenish themselves.

What role do you see sustainability playing in your professional career?

I see sustainability playing a guiding role in my career. I don’t think I could work in a position that did not incorporate sustainability or at worst actively supports over-exploitation and wastefulness of natural resources.

My dream has been to become a doctor, and I believe that sustainability in healthcare is very important and should be pushed more. For example, ambulances could become electric-powered and medicine and sterile packaging could use more sustainable resources. Sustainability would be guiding the initiatives I would push within the system to decrease the carbon footprint of the healthcare system.

I can also see my professional career advancing within the pharmaceutical industry. Many of the same points apply here, but initiatives may now include more sustainable pharmaceutical manufacturing through using less environmentally harmful or resource-intensive chemicals during production. It could also include office-space initiatives, like taking advantage of natural light whenever possible and pushing for solar panels on the building’s roof. Similarly, sustainability would be guiding the initiatives I push to create incremental improvements within the system.

What sustainability projects have you been engaged in?

I have been a Western Sustainable Leaders Program participant for two years now. The WSLP engages in monthly activities such as community cleanups, native seed collecting, and educational sessions.

I am also a member of the Ivey Degrowth Club, where I can discuss sustainability and degrowth concepts with like-minded individuals. I am an active contributor and love to thoroughly engage in topics such as the environmental imperative behind degrowth and the detriments of consumerism and capitalism. Our discussions actually raise similar questions to this coming year’s certificate topic, which questions the possibility of regeneration within a capitalist system.

At THORLab, I am working on a scoping review which looks at health technologies and their ability to reduce disparities in the system. Due to the sensitive nature of the project, I can’t discuss more.

In a less formal setting, I have small personal projects such as waste reduction and reuse. I try to purchase only what I need, minimize my food waste, and make use of any single-use plastics, like using them as garbage bags.

Please list any sustainability-related interests you want to explore during the certificate. 

Sustainable healthcare and regenerative agriculture.

Felix Cai

Felix Cai

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