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The Beryl M. Ivey Fund for Corporate Social Responsibility sponsors an Impact Award awarded by the Ivey's PhD Sustainability Academy in collaboration with the Impact Scholar Community and the Alliance for Research on Corporate Responsibility (ARCS).


A cash prize of $500 will be provided to the award winner.


The Impact Award will be chosen based on the following criteria and weighting:

  • Transformative (of self to systems) – 25%
  • Generative (of new ways of knowing, including contexts, phenomena, and methodologies) – 25%
  • Representative & reflexive (of all authors’ positionalities, ontologies and epistemologies) – 25%
  • Agentic (clear on the ways in which the questions/approaches/findings are intended to orient others towards action in the near/distant future) – 25%


For each annual cohort, the Academy's faculty nominates finalists that meet all four criteria for this award. The organizing team of the Impact Scholar community reviews all nominated papers, ranks the nominated finalists, and formally announces the best paper winner and the best paper runner-up at the end of each Academy.


The award will be celebrated by all three organizations and will be featured at a virtual event co-hosted by the Impact Scholar Community, the Academy, and ARCS.

About the Impact Scholar Community

The Impact Scholar Community is dedicated to creating an online network of organizational scholars and educators committed to conducting research that addresses real-world challenges. They define impact in two key ways: first, when research influences how organizations and decision-makers think and act, and second, when academics use their positions to drive positive change beyond their immediate research findings.

Often, early-career scholars are advised to delay their efforts to have an impact until after achieving tenure. However, the community believes that impact cannot merely be added to a well-established research agenda later in one's career. Instead, they advocate for developing impact capabilities early on.

This community is designed for researchers who are committed to making a practical impact through their work and have moved beyond the question of 'why have impact' to focus on 'how' to achieve it. The challenges and opportunities of bringing research and researchers out of academia and into the public sphere are numerous, and this community serves as a forum for discussing these issues. It explores both big ideas and practical advice on topics such as what impactful research looks like, the tensions between academic career advancement and making an impact, and how to publish impactful research.

The Impact Scholar Community provides a virtual platform that connects scholars worldwide to integrate impact into management academia. The community acknowledges the support of the Academy of Management’s Strategic Project Fund and welcomes members from all AOM divisions. It is hosted by the Academy of Management ONE Division.

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