"It's true: This is NOT vacation for a week. And it is not for the faint-hearted. In all truthfulness, it is the most intense and honest feedback I have ever had - bar none. The time is dedicated to scholar boot camp and the range of backgrounds is very enriching. Research in sustainability can be a lonely venture, but I found my people at the PhD Academy.
- - 2011 PhD Academy Participant
We welcome submissions on sustainability issues in strategy, policy, economics, entrepreneurship, ethics, environmental studies, international business, organizational theory, organizational behavior and international development. A broad range of methodologies are also welcome, including quantitative and qualitative methods and experimental work. In general, it is desirable to include some empirical data.
We welcome single-authored as well as co-authored pieces on which the doctoral student is the lead author. Submissions can include:
- Proposal-based or dissertation-based working papers
- Conference papers that have been previously presented
- Advanced manuscripts that may have already been reviewed but are not yet accepted for publication.
All applicants have to be enrolled in a doctoral program for at least part of the 2017-2018 academic year.
Submission Format
All applicants must submit:
- An online application form, available here.
- A manuscript (can be a working manuscript). Please review detailed guidelines below.
All applicants should email the following documents to Chelsea Hicks-Webster, BSV Coordinator, at sustainability@ivey.ca.
- Full manuscript, including cover page (document name format: LASTNAME-manuscript)
- Two-page summary (document name format: LASTNAME-PAPER TITLE-summary)
- Abstract (150 words) and biography (150 words) for website (document name format: LASTNAME-website)
- High resolution photo (document name format: LASTNAME-photo)
Cover page: Should include the paper title and author name, position, affiliation, email and phone number.
Two-page summary: Must include sufficient detail for the selection committee to assess potential contribution. ?Participants are invited based on the relevance, timeliness and quality of the proposed research. This document should include the paper title, but no author details.
Manuscripts: Should include the paper title and author name, position, affiliation, email and phone number. Please follow the Academy of Management Journal style guide. Maximum word count is 12,000 including tables, figures and references.
Note: Doctoral students at the proposal stage, who may not have completed data collection, should outline the intended research contribution, context, methods, amount of data already collected and preliminary findings. The working manuscript should include references and exhibits (theoretical model and/or preliminary findings). Maximum word count is 12,000 plus tables, figures and references.
Formatting: All documents should be written in single spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font.
Evaluation Process
All submissions will undergo blind review by a selection committee that includes faculty members involved with the Sustainability Academy and members of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability.
The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2017.?? Please email any questions to Chelsea Hicks-Webster (sustainability@ivey.ca)