Université Laval, Canada
Proxy Voting as a Shareholder Engagement Strategy: Does Responsible Investment Really Promote Corporate Sustainability?
London Business School, United Kingdom
Focused on the (Sustainable Development) Goals? The Dynamics of Collective Organizational Attention
Carnegie Mellon University, United States
Why rapid and deep decarbonization isn't simple: Linking bottom-up socio-technical decision-making insights with top-down macroeconomic analyses
Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada
How change agents build and sustain their professional resilience: An identity-based process perspective
Concordia University, Canada
The impact of social and environmental transparency on financial analysts' forecast properties
Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Like a hot potato: Shifting paradox responsibility across organizational levels
University of Colorado Boulder
An Exploration of Identity Configurations: How Foundations Become Impact Investors
Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada
Speaking Anthropocene: Linguistic Settlements in Post Financial Crisis Corporate Reporting
University of California - Santa Barbara, United States
Negativity Bias in the Family-Intensive Signals: Moderating Effects of Family Signals on the Relationship Between Family Firms' Environmental and Financial Performances
Boston College, United States
Are we on the same boat? Socially responsible investing, impact investing, and category co-optation
Cornell University, United States
Commercial organizations, local institutions, and the receptivity of pro-environmental practices
ESADE Business School, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Rediscovering the bucolic tale: The role of place embeddedness in fostering sustainable practices
Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Cognitive group influence on sustainability investment
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada
The inclusion illusion: Firms' investment strategies and their commitment to serve the poor
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
The value of poverty and informality: How entrepreneurs create informal institutions to transform poverty settings into markets
University of Texas Arlington, United States
CEO psychological characteristics as a predictor of organizational decoupling in the context of corporate sustainability