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A Busy Week!

May 12, 2012

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Team Ghana is still alive and kicking after an internet-less week.

The last couple days have been a really busy time for us, prepping the course work for our first class on Monday, while also conducting a lot of research out in the field. We have all been extremely fortunate to have heard so many stories of entrepreneurs working in Koforidua. Hearing about how they have come to see success, and at times lose it, has been incredible; the spirit some of these people have is absolutely inspiring!

Another highlight from this week was just spending time with some of the students at ANU. Heading out to watch a movie at their house was a bit of an adventure but it was overall a really cool experience, trading stories about the differences in our upbringings, educational backgrounds, and future aspirations.

Our week ended off heading home late Friday night, returning from an impromptu street dance party featuring some local kids, a few bar patrons, and Jesse Brame, who could have danced till the sun rose. He no doubt has become the new local celebrity in town.