On Friday, we visited Boti Falls, which is about an hour away from Koforidua. There are two large waterfalls, which were very strong because there had been a ton of rain the day before. We also went to see the “Umbrella Rock”, where we admired the view and relaxed for a while.
Boti Falls
Kakum National Park
On Saturday morning, we left for Cape Coast around 4:30 in the morning. After a long drive, including the delay of a flat tire, we got to Kakum National Park.
Kakum National Park is a beautiful lush forest where we went on a small hike that includes several suspension bridges, which are about 100ft tall.
Cape Coast Castle
We had a tour of the Cape Coast castle which was interesting and devastating to learn about. The castle was British-owned and used to hold slaves before they were transported West. We went in the holding areas which were tiny and had very little light and were also shown the “door of no return”, which symbolized the passage that the slaves went through, before never returning home.
Cape Coast Beach
After visiting the Castle, we went to Coconut Grove, a resort on the beach. After having an interesting experience at the restaurant (wouldn’t recommend to future groups), we relaxed on the beach before heading back to Koforidua.