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Our Team

We strive to be the node in a strong network of excellent scholars within and beyond the Ivey Business School, who collectively create transformative learning experiences for current and future business leaders.


Zoe Kinias Headshot 2023

Zoe Kinias

Centre Director

John F. Wood Chair in Innovation in Business Education

Zoe is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour, and the inaugural John F. Wood Chair in Innovation in Business Education. 

Under Zoe's leadership the Wood Centre will research new approaches to teaching and learning in business, developing innovative curriculum, collaborating with all programs at Ivey to introduce new educational approaches.

Zoe studies Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), how it connects with identities, and interventions to enable leveraging everyone's talent.  Her work has been featured in a variety of outlets, including Bloomberg Businessweek, The Case Centre, Forbes, Harvard Business Publishing, Harvard Business Review, INSEAD Knowledge, Ivey Business Journal, The New York Times, and Programme Eve.  Zoe presents and engages with diverse groups including academics, students and alumni, and multinational organizations.

My vision as the inaugural John F Wood Chair is to develop a community for pedagogic innovations that better enable educators to equip current and future leaders for the evolution of business. We begin with addressing identified needs for building and integrating technology and inclusive practices, all with a learning mindset and entrepreneurial spirit. -- Zoe Kinias

Maggie Weller

Wood Centre Senior Associate

Maggie brings over two decades of experience in academic institutions, with expertise in fostering research partnerships between faculty and the private sector as well as not-for-profits. Currently supporting the development of the Wood Centre, she is dedicated to driving pedagogic innovation both externally and internally. 

Maggie Weller Headsot 2023


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